Well I'm slowly getting my yard and garage back...
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Spent 12 hours on Saturday helping my landscaper install a set of axles under his XJ. This was a Dana 30/8.8 that I built for him a while back that I'm just now able to help him with. The front went easy, basically bolt-in but we did end up replacing some control arms while we were there (which is good since his were totally destroyed!!). The rear took some work - we had to make sure the pinion angle was correct, which required a SYE install as well as the removal of the crossmember spacers. Overall, he should be quite happy with the gearing (5.13's on 33"s with an AW4) and addition of a rear locker (Detroit full case).
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Also sold what was left of the TJ and my spare TJ parts - my wife is ecstatic that she doesn't need to see a junkyard out the side window anymore
On Sunday, I tried my best to get done early to that I could lend Starkey480 a hand, but fate intervened. I had to run a bunch of errands around lunch time, then had a bunch of people schedule pick-up times for other stuff I am getting rid of (spare welding tank, some Dodge stuff, etc.). I did manage to get some work done in the AM though:
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I started pulling the flares and wheelwell liners in preparation for my undercoating (and also so I could give it a thorough cleaning before pulling the axles later this week). After dropping the one liner, I realized I probably should have done this outside. Once everything was off and I cleaned up my mess, I headed over to the local coin-car-wash...
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"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." started playing in my head for some reason once I took the pressure washer to the frame rails. I'll say it once more - mud if f&$#!@* gross... This is by far the part of the move back east that I'm dreading more than anything.
After almost 12 minutes of power washing, the water coming out of all the frame holes was clear. I figure I need to do this about 3-4 more times before I can confidently assume the frame is squeaky clean enough to use the Eastwood Frame Coating inside it. Luckily, the dry climate of AZ and the fact that Hawaii didn't let the previous owners drive on the beaches means that this is nothing more than an inconvenience.
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After a few extra days worth of shipping, my headlights arrived just before dinner time (on a Sunday noless). I couldn't wait to install them, so I ran to the garage with my Torx driver in hand and swapped them out, then quickly took a test drive...
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I need to aim these properly but the light output is impressive and the color isn't bad (for my eyes at least). My first attempt to aim them didn't work well since the adjusters inside the buckets appear to be cracked. This was the same issue I ran into with my TJ - luckily I saved the replacement headlight buckets from the TJ and will swap those over.
I can see what people say by the pattern having some distinct lines in them. There are 2 very distinct squares" when next to a flat surface (like my garage door) but on the road, they aren't nearly as visible.
With my landscaper's parts out of the garage and his Jeep done, I'll be bringing the LJ into the garage this week and will start tearing down the axles and suspension. I noticed a fairly large puddle of oil under the engine for the first time yesterday. I double checked and it doesn't appear to be the valve cover, so I'm guessing a RMS replacement is in order. I've never done one on a 4.0L but apparently it's fairly easy. While I was down there inspecting the leak, the throwout bearing is making more noise than it probably should, so I may end up doing a clutch kit too. I'll already have the t-case, driveshafts, and t-case shifter out anyways - what's a few more bolts