Social Media like FB

I've always felt FB is what you make of it. For me it's an awesome way of keeping tabs and communicating easily with relatives all over the world. Same with a few distant friends I grew up with. Market place is good, reminders about social activities like concerts, etc. Other than those, screw that festering pile of guano. I don't care how white, black, straight, gay, religious, left, right or anything else is about you.. I don't want to hear it so fk off. And that's how I leave it. Twitter and everything else i'm sure follows behind that. I wouldn't know because i don't use those.
I've always felt FB is what you make of it. For me it's an awesome way of keeping tabs and communicating easily with relatives all over the world. Same with a few distant friends I grew up with. Market place is good, reminders about social activities like concerts, etc. Other than those, screw that festering pile of guano. I don't care how white, black, straight, gay, religious, left, right or anything else is about you.. I don't want to hear it so fk off. And that's how I leave it. Twitter and everything else i'm sure follows behind that. I wouldn't know because i don't use those.
My general rule of thumb is if you avoid groups and comment sections of just about anything, it can be fine when used in moderation.
I thought it would be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Then the more they posted, the more I realized I didn't like them anyway. :D

So I guess it serves a purpose, because people will say things on it they wouldn't in person or to a small group. That's odd to me.

I also don't care what you're having for dinner. Those people are even more odd.
I thought it would be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Then the more they posted, the more I realized I didn't like them anyway. :D

So I guess it serves a purpose, because people will say things on it they wouldn't in person or to a small group. That's odd to me.

I also don't care what you're having for dinner. Those people are even more odd.

Tell me about it! I don’t even want to keep in touch with most of my family anymore because all they do is post political bullshit.

Of anything FB has made me realize I don’t even like most of my family 🤣
Tell me about it! I don’t even want to keep in touch with most of my family anymore because all they do is post political bullshit.

Of anything FB has made me realize I don’t even like most of my family 🤣
I have unfollowed most of the folks on there that I got in touch with. Folks I've known forever. Across the board they post the same annoying bullshit over and over. Okay guy, the first 184 inspirational quotes and pictures of footprints in the sand with some gibberish written below were neato, the next 324 that you put up just put me right over the edge so we are done now. You, yeah you, yeah, I'm sorry someone broke your poor little heart but I was done hearing about it 247 "I feel betrayed" memes ago. Shit is fucking endless.
I have unfollowed most of the folks on there that I got in touch with. Folks I've known forever. Across the board they post the same annoying bullshit over and over. Okay guy, the first 184 inspirational quotes and pictures of footprints in the sand with some gibberish written below were neato, the next 324 that you put up just put me right over the edge so we are done now. You, yeah you, yeah, I'm sorry someone broke your poor little heart but I was done hearing about it 247 "I feel betrayed" memes ago. Shit is fucking endless.

Yep, same shit I deal with for the most part. I’ve unfollowed almost everyone including my sister, my aunts, etc.

They post endless bullshit. One of them is like reposting almost every single news article CNN posts, as if I give two shits (or anyone else for that matter).
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I am only there for groups and marketplace. I have a few family people have friends but everyone is on ignore so I don't have a wall. FB = forums + craigslist.

I found a set of Rokmen RUCAs on there recently so I'm super happy with FB at the moment.
Yep, same shit I deal with for the most part. I’ve unfollowed almost everyone including my sister, my aunts, etc.

They post endless bullshit. One of them is like reposting almost every single news article CNN posts, as if I give two shits (or anyone else for that matter).
To all of them- Stop sending me cute little videos. I don't click on them, I'm never going to click on them and I don't care about them, so stop it. Next day, another cute little video. Fuck ya'll are annoying.
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I have PTSD. You know what I do? I prepare for it and deal. It’s going to happen, I can’t control what others do and honestly, I love the Patriots doing what Patriots do. It warms my heart. My next door neighbor asked if I had any issues (he doesn’t even know I have PTSD) with him shooting off mortars. He was being respectful. I gave him a high five and said more the merrier.

If it affected me or my dog in a very negative way, I’d just make plans to be gone. Don’t bitch about it.
Yep, same shit I deal with for the most part. I’ve unfollowed almost everyone including my sister, my aunts, etc.

They post endless bullshit. One of them is like reposting almost every single news article CNN posts, as if I give two shits (or anyone else for that matter).
I was on Facebook for maybe a month, folks I knew from the past all wanted to friend me or whatever it's called. I deleted my page and said screw it, if I had wanted to be friends I would have stayed in touch.
Facebook, twitter, reddit and the like are all cesspools of hate and misery. They amplify people's worst traits while at the same time muffling their good traits. I honestly think they have made society worse and cause more pain and the disadvantages they bring to society out weigh any benefit they provide. Technology has allowed for huge improvements in the lives of everyone on Earth, but social media is a cancer on that benefit.

couldn't have said it any better. The algorithms put people into echo chambers so they think everybody thinks the same way they do and it's driven people to the extremes (both left and right) of the political spectrum. Combine that with the unconsciously felt anonymity and you have an entire digital society of extremist cyber bullies.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that facebook might be the single worst thing to ever happen to society.
You probably wouldn't say that if you lived in the country and had cows.

I actually grew up an a farm until I was high school age. I can easily say it was a great way to grow up, and I would love to give my kids that experience, but alas, I fear it is not to be.

Edit to add, I look back on it way more fondly than I did while I was growing up. Grass is always greener.........