Social Media like FB

Seems like the problems in this thread have less to do with Facebook and more to do with friending annoying idiots. I rarely have stuff I don't care for show up in my facebook because I just don't friend people who post junk or join groups that post annoying garbage.

I don't like how much Facebook knows about me, but it can be somewhat useful for a lot of things. The most useful one being for sale items. Secondly there are some very entertaining groups that I'm in. My close friends and I have group chats where we share posts almost every day. Good entertainment.

You have every option to make your facebook less irritating. Facebook provides very little value to my life but I do enjoy it sometimes.
I remember life before Facebook, Instagram, and others, and I liked it a lot more.

But can you remember life before color TV?

Differences seemed less polarized in a world reported in shades of grey.

But that might be viewing the past through rose colored glasses.

It’s the rise of the Karen’s!

Everyone wants to ban everything.

Some woman on a local neighborhood FB group posted a photo of a guys truck parked in front of the stop sign here in the neighborhood. She claimed it was illegal and not okay to park right in front of the stop sign. She was questioning why the police hadn’t done anything about it.

Well, the owner of the truck happened to be in that group and he called her out in that post. He said that he had only been parked there for 30 minutes so far, and he was doing it because he was cutting down trees and bushes in his backyard and hauling them to his truck. He said this was the easiest place to park to minimize the distance he would have to walk.

He went on to say that if the woman had such an issue, why didn’t she simply come knock on his door as opposed to going online and posting about it?

He’s right too.

That woman ended up deleting the post and getting chewed out by most everyone.
Sounds like my neighborhood FB page. I can’t wait to sell! Most People are Lame
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Many people think similarly. Unfortunately, few have farming aptitude or experience evidenced by the large number of dilapidated "hobby farms" for sale.
Yeah, it's a lot of work. I didn't know it at the time but I was blessed to grow up that way.
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But can you remember life before color TV?

Differences seemed less polarized in a world reported in shades of grey.

But that might be viewing the past through rose colored glasses.

I can't remember that, but I can imagine.

Maybe that's just part of growing old. Life always seems like it used to be better.
I have been self employed doing IT work for 20 years now. I am totally over all this tech shit and ready to go live in the country and buy a cow.

Haha, so funny you say that. I tell my wife the same thing, as I've been in the tech field for the past 20 years or so also.
But can you remember life before color TV?

Differences seemed less polarized in a world reported in shades of grey.

But that might be viewing the past through rose colored glasses.

I remember my grand parents got color TV before we did, I also remember changing plugs, points, and condenser two or three times a year on my car. I still Have a dwell meter and timing light in my tool drawer.
Well they did weigh 200lbs

Back in the day I did digital sinage installation for retail stores. I will always remember the terror of two techs (me and an assistant) mounting 32" Sony Trinitron monitors to the wall 10' high using a pair of ladders. All OSHA approved ofcorse.
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The larger commentary is that the society in large has a psychosis over safety in any form. If you stand back and listen the entirety of their message is that nothing should be hard, nothing should dangerous in any way and nothing should be outside their ability to pay for it.

It's the manifestation of being the most successful society in the history of the world. These kids were born under the asymptote of our wealth, power and influence as a country with no realization of how it came to be. They just expect it to continue and if it's hard then someone should make it easy... if it's risky then someone should make it safe and if it's expensive someone should create the equity so that they can have it too.
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Back in the day I did digital sinage installation for retail stores. I will always remember the terror of two techs (me and an assistant) mounting 32" Sony Trinitron monitors to the wall 10' high using a pair of ladders. All OSHA approved ofcorse.
I had a 32” trinitron wega or whatever they called them I think the box said 220 lbs. I don’t miss those tv’s at all except they work great for duck hunt.
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