Social Media like FB

The larger commentary is that the society in large has a psychosis over safety in any form. If you stand back and listen the entirety of their message is that nothing should be hard, nothing should dangerous in any way and nothing should be outside their ability to pay for it.

It's the manifestation of being the most successful society in the history of the world. These kids were born under the asymptote of our wealth, power and influence as a country with no realization of how it came to be. They just expect it to continue and if it's hard then someone should make it easy... if it's risky then someone should make it safe and if it's expensive someone should create the equity so that can have it too.

Tell them to try living in or near LA. It has sounded like an Iraq invasion for most of the last month. Like literally. I think half of the bangs are guns going off. And the rest sound like literal mortars. I have PTSD too. But I actually kind of find it comforting. lol. Must be the ex-Marine in me.

I stopped going on Facebook a good year ago or two. And I couldn't be happier. I still use Messenger though. As my entire family uses it to communicate. And it's great for that. Facebook always made me feel terrible inside within a few minutes. I couldn't put my finger on it. Just an overwhelming feeling of shittyness. Maybe it's everyone trying to make their lives seem perfect. IDK. I just know it's a shitty platform. Especially groups. Forums are so much better for that.

I still use Twitter and Instagram. The key is to follow people you respect. And NEVER read the comments. Like NEVER. You'll just get sucked down into a quagmire of shit there too.

My town has a Facebook group too. Called ESPN. "El Segundo Parents Network". It's completely filled with busybodies and gadflies. Mostly people with way to much fucking time on their hands. So they constantly look for things to worry about or concern themselves with.

So cut bait and run the hell out of there @mrblaine. It's not worth it. ;)
Before the interweb really took off back in the day.... I was on our Home Owners Association board of directors. The complaints I'd get from people were so dumb. My neighbor is grilling fish and it smells. Someone is being loud down the street, I don't know who, can you check. There's a guy who went camping and has his camper in the driveway for 2.5 days instead of the 2 days allotted to get it ready and cleaned up. There's a guy smoking on his back patio and he leaves his used cigarettes in his yard. BLAH, BLAH, FREAKING, BLAH.

The internet allows these people to search for these types of trivial things to be offended by from the comfort of their couches. In the old days it took more effort to form a group and track down someone to complain to. That's why the PTA was so popular.
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Before the interweb really took off back in the day.... I was on our Home Owners Association board of directors. The complaints I'd get from people were so dumb. My neighbor is grilling fish and it smells. Someone is being loud down the street, I don't know who, can you check. There's a guy who went camping and has his camper in the driveway for 2.5 days instead of the 2 days allotted to get it ready and cleaned up. There's a guy smoking on his back patio and he leaves his used cigarettes in his yard. BLAH, BLAH, FREAKING, BLAH.

The internet allows these people to search for these types of trivial things to be offended by from the comfort of their couches. In the old days it took more effort to form a group and track down someone to complain to. That's why the PTA was so popular.
In other words, people have always been this way and the internet just gives them a more visible platform to express their bullshit.
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So cut bait and run the hell out of there @mrblaine. It's not worth it. ;)
I've been on the internet a bit. I have no issue ignoring folks. I also read a whole bunch more than I post and generally I can tell in very short order that I'm going to get sucked into a black hole of stupid and just click back. Like I said, I use it for the things I enjoy and observation of the things that don't are just that, observation.
The next time the Karen's get wound up, jump in and tell them you saw thus guy riding around the neighborhood and watch their heads assplode.

I didn't watch it but I've seen a feller running around through the neighborhood on a mini-bike. No helmet on him or his infant. Merrily driving along one hand on the handle bars, the other wrapped around the young one.
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These idiots you speak of all have one thing in common - they are reactive and not proactive. When you suggest they become proactive they get bent out of shape as if you’re insulting their intelligence. Fuck ‘em
I didn't watch it but I've seen a feller running around through the neighborhood on a mini-bike. No helmet on him or his infant. Merrily driving along one hand on the handle bars, the other wrapped around the young one.
that is called clearing out the gene-pool...cruel thing to say but true
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Don't be a bitch to FB and it's fine. Let FB be YOUR bitch.

I will say one further annoying thing is FB messenger. All of a sudden I start getting FB messenger texts. I'm thinking.. you aholes have my number, why in the #($* are you adding yet another stupid way of communicating? Took it off my phone. Met a nice girl last year in Czech Republic while I was working there. Best way to stay in touch is FB messenger.. we video chat, etc etc... shit I have become FB messengers bitch. :rolleyes:
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That describes the entire internet. I use technology, I don't let it control me. I'm sure they get their market analysis eventually but they need to work hard to peel it out. Plus there's a guy here in town with the same name who spent a couple years in prison, so they have to sort through that mess just like I've had to in the past.

It amazes me how much valuable information is out there if you learn how to use the internet searches properly. I'd have loved it as a kid with my books and encyclopedias. Get a compiler search engine because each of the search engines have a slant to them.

Imagine trying to figure out your Jeep problem without coming to a place like this and asking. Old school was flipping through books with grainy pictures and trying to remember everything. There are videos all over of the exact repairs you are going to do with steps and tools laid out for you. And I can even find most Factory Service Manuals for my older cars online now. When my kids come to me to fix things or with questions they know I don't have the answer to already, I make them help me look it up on the internet. That way they don't see their phone or PC as only an entertainment device and learn of the vast library of knowledge out there at their fingertips.

Cars, bikes, cameras, guns, gardening, home repair/remodel ..... I've used the internet to learn about all of them. Some person on Twitter, Facebook, or TicTok isn't the computer genius they think they are.
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In other words, people have always been this way and the internet just gives them a more visible platform to express their bullshit.
Well, I'd say no...people were not always this way. Yes, there was always "the town busybodies" and many an old movie has had them as prominent figures of ridicule, as they should be.
I firmly believe that the internet has allowed two very important things to happen; 1) it gives the armor of anonymity where you can say pretty much anything (more on that) without having to stand up in front of people who know you and who can question your judgements and 2) it makes people feel like their opinion matters; just their opinion; nothing to back it up, no logic to sustain it, no reason other than "I think it should be this way" (and that is usually because they are just following along with the crowd they hang out with).

Back when people had to get together and speak their mind or had to write to the paper with their opinions AND THERE NAMES, you didn't have that ability to hide behind anonymity; you were Bob, the auto mechanic on 1st and Penter Ave. stating what he saw as an issue with the closest fire department being located 25 minutes from his part of town. Now, it's just a bitch fest and everyone has a horrible, disgusting entitlement mentality that reduces them to no more than whining infants.

"Movements" and "causes" can also give people (heards) that same sense of power, without mindful, thoughtful direction. We see this today.

Oh, and as far as "saying pretty much anything", it is almost universally true, in my experience, that such latitude is only granted if you want to say what I want to hear. If you want to say something contrary to my "beliefs" (read "my take on the current in-vogue sentimentality"), then you should be censored...



"Contact with Jews is forbidden in the city"
1594706870758.png in prison...rounded up and shot...

As a sad note: I did a search for "nazi salute" on Giphy for the above...almost every one of the 100-odd gifs was a variation of the American or British military salute (with a Roman and US Scout salute thrown in). Not a single Nazi salute. I tried several other variations on the search words with the same results. We have been cleansed by popular media of the reality of our past because those who have/want power over your lives know that knowledge of history empowers you to avoid repeating it.
BTW, I had to search outside of Giphy (think I'll avoid them in the future).

For those who are curious, I am not Jewish but I see the same tide rising, just for a different group (though, the Jews would, I believe be, once again, included in the purge) .

Sorry, @mrblaine, guess that went a bit off-track...maybe.

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I should also mention, before I push the pooch off my bed so I can hit the sack, that it was not just the Jews; anyone who opposed the party line was treated the same; labeled as undesirable and "removed".
If we don't stop it, it will happen again. It is happening now.
The inherent problem with social media is it gives certain people, an increase number everyday, the platform for a voice and to show how dumb society really is. That’s why I use social media for car related pages and business, that’s it.