I was at sea for most of the 90's, I don't think I missed much.
I was at sea for most of the 90's, I don't think I missed much.
I wasn't a fan of the 90s. The music for the most part sucked so bad I started to listen to country music.
Now the 60s and 70s those were the best.
NOTHING sucks that much.
90's was the rise of the autotuner... The first 5 years was completely different that the last 5.
Perhaps the most ironic thing about all these nineties bands (which I too used to love and listen to) is that they all claimed to be fighting against the corporations and the government and now they're all fighting for them
Funny how that works, isn't it?
Doesn't change the fact that they made great music. Just interesting to realize that more-or-less, they're sellouts.
Follow the Money.
Or as I always say, "the answer to 99 out of 100 questions is money".