The "other" site


Backcountry Jeeper
Supporting Member
Oct 16, 2016
Youngsville, LA, United States
Is it me or is there a lot of smart assery and hostility. I read some threads of guys asking questions and if you dont follow a strict protocol they get drug over the coals.

I understand the same questions gets asked over and over, and the search functions on these boards are if anything terrible, but some people are just a$$holes.

Not so much here. Thanks and carry on

~End Rant~
It's not you. Many are here due to exactly what other Jeep forums have morphed into. There's a ton of good info there, but wading through the crap gets old.

If not for Chris, I probably wouldn't frequent any Jeep forums anymore.
I have left a couple non Jeep forums for this reason. I participate in forums as a stress receiver not a stress inducer. I hope this forum admin does not allow a few ruin it for the many.

Note: Personally, I have not experienced negativity here. IMO... Great forum.

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Is it me or is there a lot of smart assery and hostility. I read some threads of guys asking questions and if you dont follow a strict protocol they get drug over the coals.

I understand the same questions gets asked over and over, and the search functions on these boards are if anything terrible, but some people are just a$$holes.

Not so much here. Thanks and carry on

~End Rant~
I have tried many different forums and have settled on 3 on which the snobbery is at a low(er) level. This is one of them. I have noticed that the older a forum becomes the more un-user-friendly it becomes.

I frequented Pirate quit a bit because there is a ton of smart advice there. The attitude of members is horrible and I return there only if I can't find the answer someplace else.

Yes it appears the same question gets asked over and over, and over, and over............... It's real easy to skip those post and move on to something that is relative to me. This is one of the biggest reasons my post count here has dropped. There aren't enough hours in the day to do what I Need to do and what I Want to do. However snotty comments about "use search" don't do anyone any good. I have occasionally suggested a posted search under a specific topic if I think there is pertinent data to be found and it is more than I want to take the time to explain.

There is a place on all forums for wisecracks and humor, but not for uppity BS and snobbery.
My 2 cents.
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I frequent a about 4 forums myself (this being one of them). My biggest pet peeve is the a-holes who immediately respond to a question with, "try using the search function".

That bothers me because the entire point of a forum is to start discussions. Whether it's something that's been discussed before or not, it's a place to talk. It's one thing to politely link someone to another thread that has all of the answers they seek, but to go about it in a dick way (i.e., telling them to use the search function) is completely non-helpful.

I'm sure at one point or another just about every single question we have seen has been discussed. But guess what? If everyone used the search feature, then no one would be talking, and the forum would be void of any activity.

What I've noticed is that it seems like most of the people who were fed up with the "other" sites landed here. In which case that works out, because I've noticed this place has become a great resource with lots of good attitude.

As I've said before, I haven't had to actually ban anyone yet other than spammers.
I agree with Chris 100%
I also used to frequent other forums heck I was even asked to be a moderator in one of them ( I still am ) but that forum seems to have died a long time ago. I am sure we have all asked a question that was asked before. I always to a quick search first but as Chris said the discussion is what forums are all about.
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Ditto here. I can barely keep up with all the good posts here, so I don't have a lot of time to visit other jeep forums. I basically frequent 3, this one included.
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I used go on other jeep forums, but it had been a while since I went back to any of them...too many ads and a-holes. This forum is like a breath of fresh air.
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I noticed something similar in the Facebook group of this forum where some one gave a couple of non-helpful smart a.. comments to a question. It looks like either the guy left the group or Chris took care of it. :thumbup:
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There's another thing to consider as well. The "State of the Art" in TJ's is constantly changing and improving. The more we use and beat on these things, the more we learn and refine what we already know. Asking a question that has already been asked before allows the discussion to bring new and possibly better solutions to light.

Far from being the same as telling your child the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" for the 47th time, revisiting a subject can improve our clarity and increases our understanding. If a previous thread is helpful, and they often are, link to it and / or quote the pertinent information from it.
There's another thing to consider as well. The "State of the Art" in TJ's is constantly changing and improving. The more we use and beat on these things, the more we learn and refine what we already know. Asking a question that has already been asked before allows the discussion to bring new and possibly better solutions to light.


Also, the older these things get, it means the more they get used. We start getting to that point where we know all the stuff that works and doesn't work. Case in point, NGK O2 sensors. I doubt when the TJ first came out that anyone knew anything about aftermarket brands of O2 sensors being finicky with our TJs.

Over decades of use, we discover things we never knew. And of course, back to my original point, what good is a forum without discussion? Those search Nazis piss me off every time.

The other downside to Facebook I'd like to point out... Those groups on Facebook where you discuss stuff... Guess what? None of it is indexed in search engines. So guess what happens? When someone might happen to have the same issue you have and they start searching for that issue on Google, well they'll never find any of that Facebook group info.

One more reason I like the forum format. It's easily found in Google, the info is here forever (or at least as long as I pay the bills, haha!), and it keeps a lot of the Facebook drama out of it. Because I will be the first to say that there's a certain "crowd" on Facebook that I don't like.
I don't do FB for that particular reason. That and the politics.

I know, I totally agree with you. I know there's all different age ranges on Facebook, but I think in large part it is a generational thing.
I stopped going on Wrangler forum and Jeep Forum a long time ago.

I only frequent on 2 forums. This one, and a very large gun Forum.

I like this Forum more every day. It's fun, and very becoming a nice source of Jeep knowledge.
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I use search. Then I will post a question because what I found on the search is not relevant, or the last post was old. I want current info.

So I am a "use search" person! Then if you don't find what you want ask a question. It might stave off some up-your-nose comments to say you have searched and not found the answers to your question.
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I use search. Then I will post a question because what I found on the search is not relevant, or the last post was old. I want current info.

So I am a "use search" person! Then if you don't find what you want ask a question. It might stave off some up-your-nose comments to say you have searched and not found the answers to your question.

You should become acquainted with this site (if you aren't already):

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I don't do FB for that particular reason. That and the politics.

I haven't noticed a single snobby person on this forum. Not a single one. Everyone is just friendly. Whereas, on other forums, it seems like almost a majority of posts are smart ass posts, written by smart ass people.

Birds of the same feather flock together.