These are my copied settings from
@Dino - KX6D for CHIRP. Here's how I would suggest anyone use them, which should be radio independent (e.g. you should be good to follow this with any radio Chirp supports, but of course use at your own risk).
First, be sure to have some type of programming cable (I went
cheap and have done my radios a few dozen times now, but Dino recommends another that I am not seeing right now).
1. Download/Install
2. Open Chirp
3. Connect your radio
4. In the top menu, select "Radio" and then "Download From Radio" - this is your old config but also tells CHIRP the protocol.
Go ahead and save this export (file > save), it’s your radio’s stock programming.
5. In Chirp, select "File" then "Open", select the image that you downloaded from
here. Note that I have a few different ones there (one is Dino's, one is the one I will be running more targeted to what I do, and the last is the UV-5R stock configuration), select whichever you want.
6. Click the new tab that opened (it will be named similarly to the file you used). Click the first row, scroll to the bottom and hold shift while you click the last row. Copy the rows (Control+C on windows/linux, Command+C on mac), or right click and select "copy"
7. Go back to your radio import from step 4, click the top row and paste (Control/Command+V, or right click and select "paste").
8. In the top menu select "File" then "Save As" and name it something else to keep your original download safe.
9. Now upload the programming to your radio! In the top menu select "Radio" and then "Upload To Radio", follow the prompts, and once you see the radio reboot - you should be good to go.
You may want to fiddle with the settings if you don't like things like auto-locking the keys and seeing the channel names in the channel mode. Those options are the second item down on the left side next to the spreadsheet.
In the case you have your HAM license, you can enable the few channels that have the "Duplex" column set to "off" and move it to "none".