TJ Expert
IIRC, they have 3 things that they use to limit the class. Tire size, engine displacement, and track length. They shortened the track after one of the driver's blew through the speed trap at the end and died in the process.
One thing I've never found a lot of detail on is how my namesake died. He switched from Top Alcohol to Top Fuel and was doing very well.
It looks like catastrophic engine failure took out the tires. The hit on the opening of the wall was more severe than skipping off a straight wall. It looked like the driver's compartment took most of the hit. johnson crash&shtp=GetUrl&shid=946d73ae-6131-402a-8f4a-6158a2b6fe4f&shtk=QmxhaW5lIEpvaG5zb24gRmF0YWwgMTk5Ng%3D%3D&shdk=T3JpZ2luYWxseSBwb3N0ZWQgYnkgYSBtZW1iZXIgb2YgTU5FLg%3D%3D&shhk=2w0XqBwLvdOhz7fhJ1n1At7N0anVHIuHvZZWBTjD5GI%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.zTbhisdRf4LAnucP_EHE-QHgFo