What did you do to your TJ today?

As cool as I think it might (or not) be to own one as a pet, seeing them in the wild is amazing. Even though they fly in a loose formation, they are ALWAYS in pairs.
My great aunt had one that I remember well, used to bite her all the time, his name was George Rats. I think he was about 100 when I was 8...She would buy me cereal when I visited and he would always get out of his cage and steal the box before I would even get there....Come to think of it, she was about 100 as well.
My buddy has an African Grey and a Yellow Naped Mexican. The Grey used to love to eat chicken wings. It is the craziest thing to watch!
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Nice, I've always felt overly cautious about speeding when driving in Australia!
They are putting cameras everywhere! the worst are the entry and exits from highways and freeways, speed up too quick to merge and get done! dont slow down quick enough on exit and get done! speed up to beat a changing light get done, slow down when going through the light get done for an amber! In Perth its illegal to go through an amber light? I never understood that one?
They are putting cameras everywhere! the worst are the entry and exits from highways and freeways, speed up too quick to merge and get done! dont slow down quick enough on exit and get done! speed up to beat a changing light get done, slow down when going through the light get done for an amber! In Perth its illegal to go through an amber light? I never understood that one?
Could be worse - in the Denver, Colorado area, many cities have delayed the cross-green by a second or two because of the frequency of people running yellow (and then red) lights. You're virtually guaranteed to see someone run a red every single time you see a light change if there's any amount of traffic. I've taken to looking both ways as part of preparing to leave a freshly-green intersection if I'm in the front row.

On the other side of the spectrum, I've visited Oman several times and was warned to take care with traffic lights. Running a light in Oman earns a fine of up to 500 OMR ($1300 USD) and up to 1 year in jail. If you injure or kill someone, it's up to 5 years. No one tries to make it through yellow (amber) lights there; if you see the light change, you're stopping, sometimes abruptly.
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I turned 100k miles!

We have total of 6😅 sometimes the noise really gets pretty intensive😬
That green one we adopted from local zoo when they got rid of their parrots. There was a flock of conures and i have never heard a noise like that😂
Agreed on the noise. I stayed in Pasadena a long time ago and was trying to figure out the loud noises, feral parrots.
Could be worse - in the Denver, Colorado area, many cities have delayed the cross-green by a second or two because of the frequency of people running yellow (and then red) lights. You're virtually guaranteed to see someone run a red every single time you see a light change if there's any amount of traffic. I've taken to looking both ways as part of preparing to leave a freshly-green intersection if I'm in the front row.

On the other side of the spectrum, I've visited Oman several times and was warned to take care with traffic lights. Running a light in Oman earns a fine of up to 500 OMR ($1300 USD) and up to 1 year in jail. If you injure or kill someone, it's up to 5 years. No one tries to make it through yellow (amber) lights there; if you see the light change, you're stopping, sometimes abruptly.
Over here in NY they have red light cameras at a lot of intersections and people will slam on their brakes at yellows and cause a lot of rear ends. They did a study and more accidents were caused after the red light cameras were put in. The state won't remove them because of the added revenue. :rolleyes: First mod I did was Black Magic Brakes. Now thinking about the bigger brakes instead of just pads next time.
well just got my 2in spring spacer lift installed and while installing it found a tie rod end wore out. got it replaced with a moog yesterday and set toe-in, drives great. now i need carpet and a fuel sending unit !
If you were closer I would give you a tan carpet set. I sound deadening and installed a bed rug in mine.