1997 "beater bomb"

Yeah I thinking so. Planning on monsta-lining the Jeep tan. Maybe tan powder coated axles once they are done with mock up
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Yeah I thinking so. Planning on monsta-lining the Jeep tan. Maybe tan powder coated axles once they are done with mock up

That would be cool! I'd love to do my axles a slightly different color. One of these days I will!
made the 6hr round trip for my hp44, now back home and have the 9 " tore down for moch up.
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Looks good, beefy too! How thick are those axle tubes?
Not sure. This 9" had a 3rd mount on tip for a anti wrap bar. Well I couldn't get my grinder in far ehough. So I it with a hammer to knock it loose. Well it came off, but also tore a 1" hole in the housing. So now I'll have to plate it
new housing is on the left. Have to remove everything from the one on the far right and install it.
Here goes nothing.
shaving a 9"... my first try. Turned out great. I copied a clip from youtube. For the "cut line"..
Thanks. Not bad for my first time. Just gotta remember not to rush it. I ran out of welder gas, and my grinder shot crap. So I'll finish it another day i guess
It looks like that will be one beefy / strong axle once it's done! What axle shafts are you going to run?
It looks like that will be one beefy / strong axle once it's done! What axle shafts are you going to run?
It's got Yukon chromoly 31 splines. Plan on replacing the posi Trac with a spool
had to buy a new grinder. Got the outside plate welded. Need to pull the 3rd member out and run a bead inside the housing.

Also put a pre-load on the housing so I can weld the back bone .
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Looks good so far! Are you going to pretty it up and powder coat it when you're all done with the housing?
Looks good so far! Are you going to pretty it up and powder coat it when you're all done with the housing?
Yeah I can't decide on desert tan, or body color, really want to monsta-line desert tan. $250 for blasting and PC on both axles. Still waiting on coil buckets and hi clearance mounts to arrive, also my metal cloak joints.