Lets discuss new Core 4x4 Series packages

Following up.
Black Friday finally arrived and it’s 15% off. BUT (and it’s a huge but) they REMOVED THE DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE option on their site. Waited all this time and they don’t want to put double adjustable on sale?

Looks bad on core4x4. Once I finally get a hold of them, (it’s thanksgiving), I’ll evaluate their reasoning but I have a feeling I’ll just go to savvy.

At the price point of the Crawl series in the sale plus an additional $100 for double adjustment (if it was being made available) they are very close to the price of the Savvy arms. Other than the hope of getting the Crawl series with double adjustment at a significantly larger discount is there a particular reason you have held out for the Core Crawl arms and not just bought the Savvy ones?

On the broader point any company has a perfect right to decide what they do and don't sell, in the same way that any potential consumer has a right to decide if they want to buy something or not.