Piss & Moan Table

All together now: Its all about the PHOOOOOONNE!!

I blame the parents. I’m a techie, my kids have devices. House rule is, if you are looking at a device, we are not having a conversation until it is off. They learn real fast when they can’t get their snack if they’re trying to text a friend at the same time.
You do realize that that logic is the same as anti-gunners that blame the gun, don't you? A phone is no different than a gun. In the wrong hands, bad things can happen...

Oh, I don't blame the phone. Its the monetary & societal costs involved with the thing and the absolutely SICK obsession over them. Everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - is all about the PHOOOOOONNE!! Damn near everybody is joined at the hip with a fucking PHOOOOOONNE!! Most horrid - and most pointless - thing ever invented. To this day, I really don't see the point of the thing.

I was at a kind of lunch party thing just today - and everyone except me, and my wife (who actually has one of the damn things, but doesn't obsess over it, at least not very much) had their PHOOOOOONNEs in their hands almost constantly. Including the kids. This is both sick and pathetic.
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All together now: Its all about the PHOOOOOONNE!!

Just as bad are people going below the speed limit on our local mountain roads. We have plenty of long turnouts to pull over and let cars pass. Damn Flat Landers act like they never saw trees before. I know all the turnouts well because my TJ does not handle the corners well and I pull over for even one car behind me. Common Courtesy is not very common around these parts.
today my gripe is that Cabelas (and Basspro) have fallen from greatness to absolute crap, and they’re slumming around with the likes of FedEx, who I think I’ve complained about on this thread before. I remember back when Cabelas was awesome - high quality hunting gear, a fantastic website to shop on, and stores that were a real destination and experience. I visited several stores that I drive hours to get to, spent hours there, and spent thousands of dollars. I even got the credit card so I’d have the points.

Nowadays I struggle to even use the points. The website is torture to find anything, and their products are way lower quality. I still have and use Cabelas camos from 2007. I doubt anything I bought today would last a season. The stores boast empty shelves, no more great food, and absolute dolts working there who give bad advice to shoppers.

Well I had some points to use so I picked up a new pair of binos, struggling through the website to use my points and check out. I ordered them Wednesday, they were in WV, and the delivery was scheduled for Friday. On Friday FedEx said the binos ended up in Florida somehow, and the new delivery date was Monday. Well here we are Wednesday and they finally arrived according to my email. But I look around my house - where are they?? Oh right; this is FedEx.
So I walk down my long driveway, which no other delivery companies have any issue using to actually deliver packages to my house, I go all the way down to the very edge of the road, where my valuable package sits, on the ground, in the rain, smashed like he sat on it, and with a glob of red goo on the corner, soaking into the cardboard. What is this?! Grease? I smell it - it’s strawberry jam. Was he baiting bears with my binos??
To top it off he took a picture of the crumpled, wet, jam stained package on the dirt as the proof of delivery … no shame at all. “I done delibered it! Ya can’t say I didn’t!”

The binos appear ok and I didn’t get jam on my shirt … but GD it I’m done with Cabelas and FedEx!
More often than not, "free shipping" on lower priced items is Fed-Up. Ordered a $14 item from Homeless Despot today - free shipping. And yea, its coming via Fed-Up. They won't walk an extra six inches more than they just have to...
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More often than not, "free shipping" on lower priced items is Fed-Up. Ordered a $14 item from Homeless Despot today - free shipping. And yea, its coming via Fed-Up. They won't walk an extra six inches more than they just have to...

yep ordered some replacement batteries that came with a free tool. Website said same day delivery or the next day, well 5 days later still is not even showing shipped. I go in the store and just buy it off the shelf, had them cancel the order. Later the same day I get a shipment notice....so another trip back to return what they shipped.
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today my gripe is that Cabelas (and Basspro) have fallen from greatness to absolute crap, and they’re slumming around with the likes of FedEx, who I think I’ve complained about on this thread before. I remember back when Cabelas was awesome - high quality hunting gear, a fantastic website to shop on, and stores that were a real destination and experience. I visited several stores that I drive hours to get to, spent hours there, and spent thousands of dollars. I even got the credit card so I’d have the points.

Nowadays I struggle to even use the points. The website is torture to find anything, and their products are way lower quality. I still have and use Cabelas camos from 2007. I doubt anything I bought today would last a season. The stores boast empty shelves, no more great food, and absolute dolts working there who give bad advice to shoppers.

Well I had some points to use so I picked up a new pair of binos, struggling through the website to use my points and check out. I ordered them Wednesday, they were in WV, and the delivery was scheduled for Friday. On Friday FedEx said the binos ended up in Florida somehow, and the new delivery date was Monday. Well here we are Wednesday and they finally arrived according to my email. But I look around my house - where are they?? Oh right; this is FedEx.
So I walk down my long driveway, which no other delivery companies have any issue using to actually deliver packages to my house, I go all the way down to the very edge of the road, where my valuable package sits, on the ground, in the rain, smashed like he sat on it, and with a glob of red goo on the corner, soaking into the cardboard. What is this?! Grease? I smell it - it’s strawberry jam. Was he baiting bears with my binos??
To top it off he took a picture of the crumpled, wet, jam stained package on the dirt as the proof of delivery … no shame at all. “I done delibered it! Ya can’t say I didn’t!”

The binos appear ok and I didn’t get jam on my shirt … but GD it I’m done with Cabelas and FedEx!

Our closest Cabela's is Hammond Indiana which is chicago lite. I had enough CC points to buy a pistol for my son. The whole check out and 4473 process was a goat f*#k, like 1.5 hours. Then they escort your criminal ass out the door.
I got rid of the card right after that. This was before Bass Pro.
Our closest Cabela's is Hammond Indiana which is chicago lite. I had enough CC points to buy a pistol for my son. The whole check out and 4473 process was a goat f*#k, like 1.5 hours. Then they escort your criminal ass out the door.
I got rid of the card right after that. This was before Bass Pro.

Bass pro made it worse
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Long time Cabela's customer here. They were about to file bankruptcy when BassPro bought the stores and online business and CapitalOne bought the credit card company. I'd never liked BassPro, so I was not excited. I also didn't care much for CapitalOne. I kept the credit card because I'd had it for a long time, so I didn't want it to affect my credit score losing a long history. I switched to a local bank for my primary points credit card. I've used the Cabela's/CapitalOne card probably five times in the seven years since the merger, and all were for Cabela's purchases. So, where I used to probably buy from them monthly, I now buy from them yearly, at best.

And as for FedEx. Yeah, they suck. But so does UPS and USPS. Even Amazon sucks for me. There is no longer a good option. The shipping costs are crazy high and the customer service is crazy low. It's the new world, doncha know...
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Time for my annual "I miss Colorado" rant.

Our nice, mild, wet spring has gone to full summer. I think the last time it rained was June 2nd, which apparently was enough time for some wasps to build a nest in the downspout right off my back patio. I nuked them yesterday after one had stung the dog and my lawn maintenance activities stirred them up enough to make their location obvious.


Speaking of mowing, I'm allergic to Bermuda which is the most common grass here as it's the only thing that will tolerate both ends of our climate extremes. So I either suffocate in a dust mask in the heat or wind up hacking it up the rest of the day and have a nosebleed at some point.

Today broke 100 and despite the lack of rainfall was still humid enough for a dew point in the 70s. The ground is so hard my metal spike sprinklers won't go into the dirt more than an inch with my weight on them. Nothing in the forecast for the next two weeks, so I'll be watering to keep the fescue alive and hopefully keep some of the dust down.

I've killed one copperhead and my wife let one escape in the past two weeks.


Something is coming out of the creek and tearing up my lawn at night. I've got about 3 patches like this that have shown up in the past month. I've had 2 hunting enthusiasts fairly confidently blame it on a feral pig but all I've caught on the game cam is a raccoon, so I don't know whether to borrow my buddies thermal scope and sit out with my .300BLK playing distressed piglet sounds or set a trap and put down permethrin to knock down the grubs that the raccoon might be digging up.


I'm ready for October.
Time for my annual "I miss Colorado" rant.

Our nice, mild, wet spring has gone to full summer. I think the last time it rained was June 2nd, which apparently was enough time for some wasps to build a nest in the downspout right off my back patio. I nuked them yesterday after one had stung the dog and my lawn maintenance activities stirred them up enough to make their location obvious.

View attachment 537358

Speaking of mowing, I'm allergic to Bermuda which is the most common grass here as it's the only thing that will tolerate both ends of our climate extremes. So I either suffocate in a dust mask in the heat or wind up hacking it up the rest of the day and have a nosebleed at some point.

Today broke 100 and despite the lack of rainfall was still humid enough for a dew point in the 70s. The ground is so hard my metal spike sprinklers won't go into the dirt more than an inch with my weight on them. Nothing in the forecast for the next two weeks, so I'll be watering to keep the fescue alive and hopefully keep some of the dust down.

I've killed one copperhead and my wife let one escape in the past two weeks.

View attachment 537361

Something is coming out of the creek and tearing up my lawn at night. I've got about 3 patches like this that have shown up in the past month. I've had 2 hunting enthusiasts fairly confidently blame it on a feral pig but all I've caught on the game cam is a raccoon, so I don't know whether to borrow my buddies thermal scope and sit out with my .300BLK playing distressed piglet sounds or set a trap and put down permethrin to knock down the grubs that the raccoon might be digging up.

View attachment 537362

I'm ready for October.

Over here in South East Arizona we're finally getting some Monsoon moisture. Since we live a few blocks into a residential neighborhood, we only have to deal with bark scorpions. Though last summer or the summer before we did have a couple of Javelinas show up at the next door neighbors front yard.
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Over here in South East Arizona we're finally getting some Monsoon moisture. Since we live a few blocks into a residential neighborhood, we only have to deal with bark scorpions. Though last summer or the summer before we did have a couple of Javelinas show up at the next door neighbors front yard.

this was my favorite time of year in Colorado because we would get a little light rain almost every day and we were high enough that we didn't even need AC. The windows were open about 16 hours a day. I made a pastime out of sitting on the deck to watch the storms roll in over the mountains.

I still get that time of year here, but we pass through it in April and October instead of settling into it for most of summer.

I almost stepped on a snake during my run this morning. A brutal section of steep uphill when I tend to look at the ground in front of me. Not a copperhead or anything venomous...maybe a speckled kingsnake that went light on the speckling, or a racer that came out mostly black with some yellow on it's sides. But it was about 4 feet long and right in the road so when I finally saw it, it got my attention.
I almost stepped on a snake during my run this morning. A brutal section of steep uphill when I tend to look at the ground in front of me. Not a copperhead or anything venomous...maybe a speckled kingsnake that went light on the speckling, or a racer that came out mostly black with some yellow on it's sides. But it was about 4 feet long and right in the road so when I finally saw it, it got my attention.

No step on snek. ;)
It's on the warm humid side today. I did my 20 mile bike ride at dawn when it was 75-80 F and 95% humidity. Humidity goes down as the temps rise but 49% at 102 F makes you hot and sticky.

Our AC is dumping water like crazy to keep the house at 41% humidity inside.


Rain in tomorrow's forecast so the humidity will go up and the temp down some, but it will feel the same.
The heat just got here last week. 103 with 20% humidity. Thankfully the heat is only for 5 hrs or so 12-5pm. House air turns on around 1pm. At night it gets down to the 60s. No humidity to trap the heat. Pulling out the swamp cooler for the shop tomorrow.
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. I think the last time it rained was June 2nd,

Apparently all I needed to do was complain about it.

Current situation:

I'm sitting in the living room with the lights off, enjoying the ⚡ show. Consistently <1s between flashes. They're talking hail and 80mph winds so the front porch chairs are in the entryway and my jalapeno and okra plants are up on the back porch.