Savvy off-road sold? (the unofficial Savvy customer support and Savvy rant thread)

I choose not to put my Google-fu to evil use 😂 😂

Are you familiar with the Streisand Effect?
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that's what I'm saying. he asked for stickers and got em, now he's pissed.

if this is just a joke being played on jerry, it's pretty cool of the joker to be thinking of the community rather than just being a dick.

I got this in the mail last week:

View attachment 482189

I'm not raising hell or airing out dirty laundry about it, I'm just walking around the office handing out black dicks to everyone!

Wait - are those licorice????

Lighten up, geeze. It's a couple of boxes of stickers, learn to have fun once in a while - which I recognize may not be as easy since you can't use your heep for anything fun in FL. No need to air your dirty laundry and make baseless claims (and look like an asshole in the process).

Nothing gets one through life more pleasantly than a good sense of humor and the ability to poke fun at one's self. And after some more reflection after having to get some work done, I'm the last person on here that wants or desires Jerry to leave. He is far too valuable to a large complement of members for that to happen so it isn't good for anyone. The last bit is there is zero anger over on my side. I'm not angry or upset now and haven't been. I learned long ago that anger on the internet is like the traffic in SoCal. If you going to bitch about the traffic here, move some place else because it isn't ever going to get better. If you are one who is angered by stuff on the internet, find something else to do with your time.
Also, one cannot be a forum moderator with even a single person on their ignore list. Take the case where it was a different member saying other nonsense you disagreed with. You get irritated, you block them, and they continue to spread misinformation that you now don't see. How's that being a good moderator? See the logic?

I miss the days of not being blocked by Jerry. It was so much easier to see the shenanigans.
He is far too valuable to a large complement of members for that to happen so it isn't good for anyone.

Fully agreed, he always jumps in with part numbers and other useful tidbits about common issues. Hopefully he sticks around to have fun and laugh a little about all this in retrospect.
Fully agreed, he always jumps in with part numbers and other useful tidbits about common issues. Hopefully he sticks around to have fun and laugh a little about all this in retrospect.

Absolutely .. there is no one that wants him to up and leave. But as a moderator, the standards are pretty high which is why that chair is given to carefully chosen folks. Jerry has been a mod on many forums before this and he s well known on the Jeep boards. I was just really surprised to see the long post and what seem to be incorrect assumptions. But we are all human after all and everyone makes mistakes, otherwise we would be soul less machines. The best thing all of us can do is reflect and learn form our experiences. That has been my philosophy for a long time.

I never intended any of messages to be hurtful or a personal attack and I try to be careful in what and how I write things. But it's easy to misinterpret text over internet. Maybe we should all be more like Spock than like Bones. Well, except the pon-farr part :)
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