Social Media like FB


Crew Member
Supporting Member
Nov 20, 2015
Quail Valley, CA
What is it about that platform that brings out so many folks that are just fucking brain dead? I watch the local FB pages to keep an eye on what is going on in the city and surrounding area. As you can suspect, they commentary has centered around nothing but the shooting off of illegal fireworks for days and days.

My dog is scared, the vets with PTSD are crying in the corner, the neighbor's autistic child is freaked out.

And at every turn, they need to stop, fireworks are illegal, they are against the law, they need to hunt them down and fine them 10,000 dollars. Blah blah blah.

I commented that the legality of something has nothing to do with whether or not that activity will occur. Just because it is illegal does not prevent the same thing from happening every year right before, during, and a bit after the 4th of July. It happens just like clockwork and will continue and the only thing that ever changes is how much folks bitch about it. We can NOT childproof the world and it is fruitless to try. But, what we can do is worldproof our children.

You know the time is coming, get some medication for your animals, pay more attention to how you care for them. Chat with your PTSD affected person and find solutions to mitigate their issues ahead of time. And for crying out loud, stop bitching about the inevitable.

Most common response I get in return? That's right. I am part of the problem.

How in the ever living fuck is being observant and realistic part of the problem?
It’s the rise of the Karen’s!

Everyone wants to ban everything.

Some woman on a local neighborhood FB group posted a photo of a guys truck parked in front of the stop sign here in the neighborhood. She claimed it was illegal and not okay to park right in front of the stop sign. She was questioning why the police hadn’t done anything about it.

Well, the owner of the truck happened to be in that group and he called her out in that post. He said that he had only been parked there for 30 minutes so far, and he was doing it because he was cutting down trees and bushes in his backyard and hauling them to his truck. He said this was the easiest place to park to minimize the distance he would have to walk.

He went on to say that if the woman had such an issue, why didn’t she simply come knock on his door as opposed to going online and posting about it?

He’s right too.

That woman ended up deleting the post and getting chewed out by most everyone.
A guy that works for me was just describing the same thing, he even mentioned PTSD.

To those people I present this for the second time on this site and can confirm it was a huge success for the six year olds at my house

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How in the ever living fuck is being observant and realistic part of the problem?

People want others to fix things for them. Even if it's not fixable. They'd rather pretend that their constant complaining will change reality rather than accept it and move on.

My dog is scared of fireworks and thunderstorms. We give him drugs for each and let him go to a safe place in the basement where the sounds are muffled by being underground.

Imagine me getting on farcebook and bitching about thunderstorms and how they should stop with all the noise rather than simply doing something about it that I can actually control.

My dog is scared of fireworks and I bought some to light off because I took care of him. They are legal here so I'm not even going to pretend people aren't going to light a crap load of them. If it's such a big deal to some people, then they should go camping out of town that weekend.

The world can't run appeasing 0.5% of the bitchy population at the expense of the other 99.5%.
People want others to fix things for them. Even if it's not fixable. They'd rather pretend that their constant complaining will change reality rather than accept it and move on.

My dog is scared of fireworks and thunderstorms. We give him drugs for each and let him go to a safe place in the basement where the sounds are muffled by being underground.

Imagine me getting on farcebook and bitching about thunderstorms and how they should stop with all the noise rather than simply doing something about it that I can actually control.

My dog is scared of fireworks and I bought some to light off because I took care of him. They are legal here so I'm not even going to pretend people aren't going to light a crap load of them. If it's such a big deal to you personally, then go camping out of town that weekend.
One of the local cunts managed to get herself appointed admin of the most local page. I lasted about 10 minutes after that happened before she blocked me. Apparently continually pointing out that if you care about something, lock it up. Twice a month on paycheck days and more often inbetween, folks bitched and complained about their mail boxes getting opened and mail stolen.

I gave them links to cheap fairly secure locking mailboxes and that made me part of the problem and many said that I condoned mail theft because I pointed out that no matter how many times they complained to the Postmaster, that was not going to keep their mail secure. Fix the problem or live with the consequences but stop complaining because that won't fix anything.

No, I don't condone or even like thieves but I know they are going to do what thieves do and if you care about something, lock it up. We had one incident of pilferage in 10 years. I instantly changed where and how packages are put out for UPS and USPS and worked with both to solve the problem. Our mailbox has been secure from Day 1 since it is next to the road and very susceptible to the mail thieves.

We also have a PO Box for some stuff we don't want in the mail boxes in case they get motivated and take the whole box.
It’s the rise of the Karen’s!

Everyone wants to ban everything.

Some woman on a local neighborhood FB group posted a photo of a guys truck parked in front of the stop sign here in the neighborhood. She claimed it was illegal and not okay to park right in front of the stop sign. She was questioning why the police hadn’t done anything about it.

Well, the owner of the truck happened to be in that group and he called her out in that post. He said that he had only been parked there for 30 minutes so far, and he was doing it because he was cutting down trees and bushes in his backyard and hauling them to his truck. He said this was the easiest place to park to minimize the distance he would have to walk.

He went on to say that if the woman had such an issue, why didn’t she simply come knock on his door as opposed to going online and posting about it?

He’s right too.

That woman ended up deleting the post and getting chewed out by most everyone.

There once was a time when you'd notice your neighbor working and go over to help them to make their job easier.
There once was a time when you'd notice your neighbor working and go over to help them to make their job easier.

Agreed. Not anymore though, now everyone just wants to complain about something on social media.

I saw LOTS of complaints about the fireworks too.
There once was a time when you'd notice your neighbor working and go over to help them to make their job easier.
I remember those days as a kid. We’d be baling hay and a neighbor would pull in and jump on the rack and do a few rounds just because they could.

Nowadays you’d have to be concerned with the liability of them putting a hay hook in their thigh or falling off the rack and getting their head run over by the wagon gear.
if we’re here complaining about Karen’s for our own entertainment, I have one

I was driving throughout friends neighborhood in my Jeep (Like 20 MPH bottom of 2nd) and some lady came running out yelling with her phone up, I just shook my head and kept going, bout 10 min later when I get home my friend sends me a screen shot with a picture of my Jeep (she’s very distinctive) titled (Maniac in tactical vehicle terrorizes neighborhood) On the local FB page, conjoined with a 4 paragraph rant about how no one should be allowed to drive something as scary and un-fuel efficient as a Jeep and what a low life useless scum I was.

It was All I could do not to get a bunch of my friends in our various loud and “Scary” cars and go for a little cruise down her street. I mean really lady she’s a sliver TJ with “Bertha the Shoe Box” on the side. This is not an evil vehicle. I mean I’d get it if I had squinty eyes, but I don’t, she’s a happy Jeep.
I think this behavior exists because every customer service agent they've encountered gives in because they don't want to hear it anymore. So now we have an army of people with a platform to complain about everything.

I do subscribe to next door simply because it's funny what people get so upset about.
Facebook, twitter, reddit and the like are all cesspools of hate and misery. They amplify people's worst traits while at the same time muffling their good traits. I honestly think they have made society worse and cause more pain and the disadvantages they bring to society out weigh any benefit they provide. Technology has allowed for huge improvements in the lives of everyone on Earth, but social media is a cancer on that benefit.
What is it about that platform that brings out so many folks that are just fucking brain dead? I watch the local FB pages to keep an eye on what is going on in the city and surrounding area. As you can suspect, they commentary has centered around nothing but the shooting off of illegal fireworks for days and days.

My dog is scared, the vets with PTSD are crying in the corner, the neighbor's autistic child is freaked out.

And at every turn, they need to stop, fireworks are illegal, they are against the law, they need to hunt them down and fine them 10,000 dollars. Blah blah blah.

I commented that the legality of something has nothing to do with whether or not that activity will occur. Just because it is illegal does not prevent the same thing from happening every year right before, during, and a bit after the 4th of July. It happens just like clockwork and will continue and the only thing that ever changes is how much folks bitch about it. We can NOT childproof the world and it is fruitless to try. But, what we can do is worldproof our children.

You know the time is coming, get some medication for your animals, pay more attention to how you care for them. Chat with your PTSD affected person and find solutions to mitigate their issues ahead of time. And for crying out loud, stop bitching about the inevitable.

Most common response I get in return? That's right. I am part of the problem.

How in the ever living fuck is being observant and realistic part of the problem?
Well said.