You get to be the guy we all complain about

Exactly - and I’ll make sure you have a reason.
Normally it will be ridiculous things like requiring people to do stuff right. That really upsets people.
Then there’s that showing up on time thing.
And the showing up every day routine. Honestly I don’t have to do that very often because anybody that has attendance issues hits the door pretty quick- The deal is if I’m going to stick out my neck and tear somebody’s house up so that you have a job and you can’t consistently be here - me and you have a problem.
Then there’s the working a full day saying that I’m bad to talk about. Pushing for that 7 1/2 hours of backbreaking labor they call 9 hours ,doing hardly anything.
This week we had a job that involves installing a pocket door from scratch. This guy has been with me somewhere around seven years.
“ The door is perfectly installed but for some reason it’s closing on its own. “ And he neglected to tell me that the door that is a complete rectangle does not line up with the surrounding casing- But it is installed properly. Checked it with a level. So did I- it was out 1/2”.
Uh..... First of all what you’re describing neither requires the supernatural or this particular house defies the laws of physics. If the track is level the door will just hang. It won’t auto close.
Then you make sure the level track is 90° to the vertical pocket. Tool is called a “square”.
Then when you install the trim you simply close the door and make sure the trim meets the door perfectly and you have a perfect job.
Nope. Unlearnable.