I started the day putting sound deadening material in my half doors. One piece each door. Made a noticeable difference when I knocked on them.
Then I got to work on a door cart. I used a plan I'd found online that called for 1 1/4" PVC and Formufit connectors. I modified mine a little to have a tall middle section. I cut and assembled the PVC. Formufit seems a fantastic product. The castor bolts were too short for the end caps. First monkey-wrench of the day.
I had to then run a kid to a friend's house. I hit up Tractor Supply and bought some U nuts. (I think that's what they're called.) I got home and cut the majority off with a Dremel and they worked out pretty good. Also bought a Goo Goo Cluster at Tractor Supply, that was perfect.
The cart's base was made with some lumber from a pallet I saved from work's garbage. Now there's a place to store a pair of doors. Task 2 sorta-done. I plan on getting some padding to replace the towel and wrap the crossbars.
Then I made some new door straps. About 15" of nylon/polyester webbing (don't remember which) used for each strap. The ends meet in the center of strap. Applied rubber cement to hold everything together and sewed them. Then installed them on the door. Still cruising along with things at this point.
Then I installed the interior half door panels. New panel clips, combination new and old screws, and new inserts for the window panel pins. So far, so good. I didn't even take a picture before I got them mounted.
Here's where the day's second monkey wrench hit me like in "Dodgeball". While the driver door went on fine, the passenger door closes, but the hinges gap. Open the door and they're flush.
I decided to try loosening the door brackets dry. Ha Ha Ha. Right. I used a bit held in place with a ratcheting screwdriver and a 1/4" box wrench on the bit's midsection. I kept the driver in place with my hip, applied steady pressure on the wrench, and tapped it with a rubber-tipped hammer. Nope. Those bolts need a good soaking.
So I hard to remove all the screws, then pry out the panel inserts at top, all not terrible. Then pop the new panel clips, breaking damn near every one. (Glad they came in a 40 pack.) Once the interior panel was off I sprayed the hell out of the door's hinge bolts with Deep Creep, Free It All, and Kroil.
At this point it was almost midnight. I'm tired. I'll try again tomorrow.
The doors sounded great on closing though. Like a real door, not a tin can. That was nice.