Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

What did you do WITH your TJ today?

Noonday Wagon Road outside Cottage Grove...cept we took the logging roads south from home.


Got another load of wood. There was a little snow this time. Weather's rolling this this weekend may not get a good chance to get more from this spot until next summer.

It's past time to invest in a better saw. My 42cc pulan pro has held up well over the years and is just fine for cleaning up downed trees in the yard but it's a bit slow for these runs. What size saw should I get? I'm thinking 60cc or so.

Got another load of wood. There was a little snow this time. Weather's rolling this this weekend may not get a good chance to get more from this spot until next summer.

It's past time to invest in a better saw. My 42cc pulan pro has held up well over the years and is just fine for cleaning up downed trees in the yard but it's a bit slow for these runs. What size saw should I get? I'm thinking 60cc or so.

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How about a 50cc? I am very fond of my MS-261
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A rancher 460 is pretty versatile with a 24" bar.good quality saw while being cheaper than stihl if thats a concern. Rancher 455 is good too but doesn't quite have the gumption if you put a 24" bar on it
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Got out and wheeled it for the first time in way too long.

Just wanted to wheel so I didn't take a lot of photos other than at the overlook next to the river.



Location was Gruber ORV Park, because it was close to where I picked up my co driver. Relatively small at 450 acres but it's public so it's free (donations accepted), which is rare in these parts. I forgot to bring any cash but i did what I could to contribute by filling a small trash bag with empty beer cans found on the trail. Covered the entire park except for three 6 and 7 rated trails that looked just one step above what I wanted to do with my first time ever spotter. The technical ratings I found about 1 step above what they use in Colorado...3-4 in Colorado would be 2-3 here, a Colorado 6 would be a 5, etc.

This is a pic out of OnX but fairly representative of the terrain. Not many major obstacles, just trails strewn with rocks of various size calling for occasional thoughtful line selection.


It was a nice day with high in the upper 50s and pleasantly low traffic. Think we saw about 4 side by sides, an ATV and 4 full bodied rigs all day. My first time offroading codriver asked what I thought about side by sides and I said I'd let him for his own opinion...after a couple of them coming the opposite way punched the throttle and roosted rocks past our windows, one just stopped blocking a trail while they were out playing with RC crawlers and the others were just generally loud and obnoxious he came to the right conclusion on his own. The guy playing with the RC actually sparked a good conversation about noise because he said he didn't even hear me coming, and I got to talk about how I was on my 3rd fan clutch before finally finding one what wasn't too loud. 🤣

Talked to the owner of this LJ...not really my style but I guess it was originally a Blue Torch build (I had to look them up). Practically a monster truck to my eyes, on 46s with (pre LS) SBC swap, tons, coilovers, full hydro and 118 WB. Guy is a local high end custom residential builder and I guess at one point ran an Ultra4 team but quit because it was too much money. There didn't seem to be many trails at the park to justify a build this extreme, though I suspect he had some challenges above mine due to the width, as I remember having to thread a needle between trees at least half a dozen times, including one where codriver was watching fender flares barely miss one tree while I was watching tires rub another...

Today was an easy-does-it shakedown drive after getting some upgrades over the last two weeks.
Just some forestry roads and a few big puddles.

Over the last two weeks I installed the Savvy shift cable, 1" motor mounts and an autolocker in the front. Also did the transfer case fluid and replaced the spedo o-ring because it was leaking.

I spent the day just randomly going between 2wd/4H/4L just to cycle the cable and locker a bit. Worked wonderfully. The cable shifter is life changing!
The locker seems to perform as expected, but took a little longer to "unlock" than I expected.
The 1"MM lift was so I could pull the skid pan drop out, and it seems to have worked well too. Only the slightest of vibes at about 60, and the Jeep rarely ever sees those speeds. Under 55 it is smooth as butter.
And no leaks that I can find. All-in-all a really great day with the doggo.

Next weekend is some snow wheeling with friends. Never done that before, so it should be interesting.
Today was an easy-does-it shakedown drive after getting some upgrades over the last two weeks.
Just some forestry roads and a few big puddles.
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Over the last two weeks I installed the Savvy shift cable, 1" motor mounts and an autolocker in the front. Also did the transfer case fluid and replaced the spedo o-ring because it was leaking.

I spent the day just randomly going between 2wd/4H/4L just to cycle the cable and locker a bit. Worked wonderfully. The cable shifter is life changing!
The locker seems to perform as expected, but took a little longer to "unlock" than I expected.
The 1"MM lift was so I could pull the skid pan drop out, and it seems to have worked well too. Only the slightest of vibes at about 60, and the Jeep rarely ever sees those speeds. Under 55 it is smooth as butter.
And no leaks that I can find. All-in-all a really great day with the doggo.

Next weekend is some snow wheeling with friends. Never done that before, so it should be interesting.

Nice pup😎
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts