
  1. JustEvan

    Steering / brake question & seeking trusted mechanic in NYC Area

    Two quick questions for all you awesome fellow Jeep folks. First off, can someone recommend the best, most trustworthy mechanic in the NYC area? And can you help me diagnose what you think the problem might be before having it towed to that person? It's an unmodified '97 Jeep Wrangler with 55k...
  2. P

    Axle Swap Brake Lines HP Dana 44

    Hi! I’m a long time lurker, just purchased my TJ used a couple months ago but have wanted one forever. I come from a JLUR but wanted something a little more dedicated and simple. I’m half way through my 1976 F-100 Dana 44 high pinion front axle swap and I’m hung up a bit on the brake line...
  3. I

    Brake Lockout Tool

    I am working on my son's Jeep (04 TJ X with disc in the front and drums in the back). I am looking for a lockout tool for the proportioning valve so I can bleed the brakes. I have reached out to Black Magic Brakes asking about shipping time for their tool. Obviously it is Sunday so I don't...
  4. iKrea

    Brake issues

    So I was getting a bunch of brake issues, i’ll just cut to the chase, I raplaced the rotors, calipers, pads and the master cylinder, i know my proportion valve is working because it’s tripping everytime I bled a brake. I bled everything perfectly until i had no air and waited next day and bled...
  5. Stinkbug

    1997 with disabled ABS and a whooshing brake pedal

    I have a 1997 TJ that came with ABS. About a decade ago, I disabled the ABS by pulling the relay when I replaced my Dana 35 with a Dana 44 that did not accommodate ABS. The rest of the ABS is still in place. I have been running a 15” Big Brake Kit for over a decade as well. I recently started having...
  6. Wanderingjeepguy

    Are the caliper bolts the same front and back?

    I don’t know if this has been asked before and I couldn’t find it in the thread list (new to the forum lol) but I have a ‘03 sport that I’m finally starting to get fixed. I was looking for new caliper mounting bolts. I checked Mopar, and it came up as the same bolt front and back (5253000). In...
  7. Offroadtrouble

    Best brakes for 2005 TJ stock

    Hi! I have a 2005 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. It is stock I believe. It needs new brakes. Rotors,calipers, pads… the works. Is there some better than others? What should I get? My current set up leaves heavy brake dust on the wheels. Not sure if there is something that can curb that. It is my daily...
  8. TrevorT

    Weird brake issues

    I recently purchased a 1997 Sahara and I’m pretty much redoing everything on it. I’ve redone everything on the motor and now I’m going to the brakes. I noticed the pads on the left front were fine and the pads on the right front were down to the metal. I replaced the pads this evening and I’m...
  9. IkariBattousai

    Front brakes stuck after almost full system replacement

    Not too long ago I snapped a brake line trying to replace my wheel cylinder on my drum brakes and we decided to replace basically everything past the portioning valve. I replaced the steel lines front to back, and replaced the brakes themsevles with the full brake system kit from black magic, so...
  10. 9

    97 2.5 dives to the left heavy under moderate braking

    97 4cyl manual all stock except some late 90s bumper and wheels. Had the Jeep since the fall, brought it into a mechanic who said overall it's fine and didn't notice anything that needed immediate replacement. Previous owner was an older guy who took pretty good care of it but didnt have service...
  11. Slaverson

    Brake rotor fitment

    I will be converting my 99 super duty dana 60 front to an 8x165 lug pattern with a custom-built hub on my 1 ton Lj. What I am trying to find out is what brake rotors I can use that will match the dimensions of the stock ones but will keep the new bolt pattern. As far as my research goes, the...
  12. TJoe

    Rear drum brakes chattering after drum replacement / service

    I recently had my brake pads and front rotors/rear drums replaced, as they hadn't been serviced in a while. The mechanic had to flush the rear brake fluid as well. I noticed a new chattering/chirping noise at lower speeds that stop as soon as I apply pressure to the brakes. I took it back and it...
  13. Sed_7

    Daily Driver Brake Recommendations

    Hi everyone! I'd like to upgrade my brakes on my 00 TJ (~96000 miles). I use it as a daily driver and I'm on the highway a lot. I'd like to decrease stopping distance and just feel a bit safer. It's lifted 2 1/2", and has stock 31 tires. I believe the calipers, rotors are stock as well/haven't...
  14. Sed_7

    Brake pedal click when releasing

    Hello Everyone, New TJ owner here; it's my first car ever. Happy to be a part of this community! I've recently noticed that when releasing my brake pedal, there is a single click sound. It sounds like it's coming from inside the vehicle. Does anyone else experience this or know that...
  15. Logan White

    Electric Vacuum Brake Options

    Hello all, I am currently planning out a 4BT swap into my Jeep TJ, and thus need to find an alternative way to provide vacuum to the braking system, I was wondering what other systems people have used, like has anyone used the vacuum pump from the JK for the TJ. Don't really want to go with a...
  16. TJartist

    Should I replace total front brakes or just parts?

    I have a question concerning the replacement of the front brake parts. I have a 1997 TJ 4l 6 cycl. I recently purchased it a so don't know the past history of repairs etc. I had a local community college do a vehicle inspection on it an it came back pretty solid. Most issue was the replacing of...
  17. netpoint

    97 TJ Hub and Brake Rotor Measurements?

    Hey guys, New on this forum. Have been researching what brake rotors to purchase for my 97 TJ. From the great information I have read on this forum you have to measure the hub and rotors. For 97-99 TJs hub should be 1/2 inch and rotor 3 inches with rotors being composite. Anything after the...
  18. A

    Pulsating brakes solution?

    So I've had a consistent pulsating issue with my brakes for a while now, they still function and stop as they should, other than the pulsing pedal. Initially I thought it might have been bad calipers, so I replaced both of them. Pulsing persisted. Over the last week I've replaced my entire...
  19. J

    Brake Issues (again)

    So, a couple months ago I completed a TOTAL brake system replacement...EVERYTHING was replaced. Master cylinder, power booster, proportioning valve, lines both hard and rubber, calipers and wheel cylinders. Now, I attempt to bleed the front calipers after my daughter telling me her Jeep pulls...
  20. Whiskey

    Ford SD master cylinder and booster in TJ with tons?

    Seems that as much as I look over the forums about brakes the more varied answers you get as to what MC and BB you can run. I'm running 2008 SD 60 and Sterling 10.5 under my jeep and some people are saying their stock MC/BB work and others are saying Old corvette/durango/ford van swaps work. But...