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I installed Debian Linux on an old work laptop from 2020. It couldn't hook up the network card or the printer without me doing some programming. So "out of the box" it was worse than a windows PC that I used to find the work arounds to get the linux system functioning.
I just tell all my windows PCs not to do automatic updates. That stops a lot of these silly things.
Well, Chapman owns a bookery, but It's too bad he never learned anything in school. The "I before E rule" was invented only for words that use ie or ei FOR THE LONG E SOUND. For example thief vs receipt.
Foreign, neighbor, eight, counterfeit, beige, sleighs, feisty, caffeinated, weightlifters, do not have a long E sound. Keith is not a word, it's a first name. Weird is actually the only exception, but English always has a few exceptions to its rules of pronunciation.