Arizona Rock Crawler

Thanks I have always wanted that color and was beyond excited to find the deal I did.

The 35s won’t be for a while. I’m hoping the 35s and accompanying accessories (brakes, steering, etc.) will be the last on the upgrade list.

No the windshield isn’t legal but it’s only 50% and barely noticeable from the outside and helps me out a ton so I’ll take the risk.

Would you do the tummy tuck before getting the Currie lift? I need a SYE before both so that may be September’s purchase... I also have had some close calls on the rockers and probably need some sliders soon.

The list never ends😂
I’ve done it without a tummy tuck on 33s, you can do it!

Actually now that I look back to the pictures I did have a raised belly but they were 33s!

Nothing Jeep related going on with me for the last few months aside from daily driving. Been super busy lately between my own pole vault training and also running the business. Business has been super busy lately which is awesome, but really dying to get out and wheel.
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