Car pics too cool not to share

Beautiful '63

It's a nice car, but there are just a few things that make me ask why. I find it odd that they took the time and effort to french the rear lights, but got lazy on the front. Those lights need to be sucked back just a few inches.

View attachment 514677

I wonder about a lot of the cars I see. Granted I have NO SKILLS when it comes to anything close to that so I'm sure anything I did would either be stock or damn close.
Those headlights need to be set into the fender, not just smoothed/welded to it, and lose the scoops. It looks like bug eyes as is.

Though the technique isn't as widely used as others, I believe what the builder did was tunnel the headlights. Typically, when someone would "tunnel" their headlights (or taillights), they would pull the lights back further into the body and/or fenders. It looks like whomever built this Merc simply added extensions around the headlights, which in my humble opinion, simply doesn't work well with the car.

I found this description from a model car site:
"Tunneling" referred to the technique of setting headlights (and in many cases, taillights) deeply into their respective fenders/quarter panels by means of using or creating a sheet metal tube matching the shape/diameter of sealed beam headlights and round or oval taillight fixtures. The resulting "tube" resembled the concept of a tunnel, with the headlight or taillight set well into the bodywork, behind the original lines and shapes of the fenders or quarters.