Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Daily Driver, Go Where I Want To Build

On the same trip to the junk yard, I grabbed a Ford Econoline intake filter canister. Just half of it.

This is larger than the Windstar...


...with an inlet of almost 3" compared to the Windstar's ~2". This section is all i care about.
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The rubber Windstar horn that passes through the firewall into the cowl gets cut down into a grommet...

...flipped and shoved through the existing hole with a 2.75" coupler stuffed into it.

And an elbow is attached to the cowl side.
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Its been a few weeks since the initial install of the supercharger. At this point I can still say that the Boosted Tech kit is seamless and invisible aside from there now being power to accelerate and maintain speed where there wasn't before.

I have fully removed it two times sorting out a small handful of issues that I created, including a vacuum/boost leak that resulted in odd shifting by the transmission.

My take away is that this supercharger works very well except for when you screw things up, which there are opportunities to do so and get lost trying to figure out what is going on. When in doubt, take it all apart and carefully put it back together again. I have corrected many mysterious problems this way throughout life. Talking through things with Blaine is also a tremendous help in trying to figure out what isn't immediately clear.
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Its been a few weeks since the initial install of the supercharger. At this point I can still say that the Boosted Tech kit is seamless and invisible aside from there now being power to accelerate and maintain speed where there wasn't before.

I have fully removed it two times sorting out a small handful of issues that I created, including a vacuum/boost leak that resulted in odd shifting by the transmission.

My take away is that this supercharger works very well except for when you screw things up, which there are opportunities to do so and get lost trying to figure out what is going on. When in doubt, take it all apart and carefully put it back together again. I have corrected many mysterious problems this way throughout life. Talking through things with Blaine is also a tremendous help in trying to figure out what isn't immediately clear.

That was my experience with the supercharged I6 as well. Seamless, until you hammered it. It worked very well off road as well.

Can’t recall, JJ - are you running a 42RLE? My experience was the supercharger really helped with the overdrive issues in that tranny.

Can’t recall, JJ - are you running a 42RLE? My experience was the supercharger really helped with the overdrive issues in that tranny.

42rle for the last few years. The extra power does a lot to minimize the irritating aspects of this transmission. Though, I do still run around town with OD off because the shift points into 3rd are nicer.
Has anyone else ever bought a big 1 liter graduated cylinder 15 something years ago, but can't remember why?
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This is correct.

What I do remember is yesterday ordering a long bottle brush to clean out my big dirty graduated cylinder.

I also bought a hydrometer with a tiny graduated cylinder for measuring the alcohol content in water.

Here I learned that distilled water has no alcohol in it.
I looked up the Safety Data Sheets for HEET and Peak -30F De-Icer.

HEET is supposed to be 100% methanol, which I confirmed with the hydrometer. Or I confirmed that my hydrometer is accurate.

The internet and the SDS both say the Peak stuff is 30% methanol. The hydrometer shows it is really 40%.

The less expensive generic blue windshield washer fluid is also 40%, contrary to the internet.

And the Boost Juice I bought from Summit is supposed to be a 50/50 mix of water and meth. It is really 58% methanol.
The goal here is to build a spreadsheet that will allow me to know what to buy for the meth injection in an emergency at the gas station. I'll work out the proportions in the big graduated cylinder after I clean it.

In the meantime, for normal mixing I will use distilled water from the grocery store and methanol fuel from the local race shop. This is the most cost effective way to do it at about $3/gallon after mixing, compared to $13-15/gallon for Boost Juice.

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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts