Is it a sin to put Rubicon stickers on a non-Rubicon?

We make it work, universal health care makes anything possible.

There must have been a time
when we could have said no.
Sin is any want of conformity to the holiness of God. I don’t think you’re failing to conform to that by putting Rubicon decals on a Jeep that is a Rubicon, axles and 4:1 TCase make it a Rubicon.
Yes, He knows all things. But I thought your earlier post was to the effect that if it has the axles and 4:1 TCase, then it is of essence a Rubicon and therefore not a Decepticon. ;) Now the honesty of the owner in conveying the Jeeps original factory build and modifications made to a prospective buyer would be necessary to conform, but we all typically do that when selling a vehicle, or do we?

EDIT: on reviewing the thread it was NOT you who said that. Nevertheless, it is essentially a Rubicon, no?
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I did say that the 4:1 is the only true virtue on the path to a righteous Jeep. The rest may be a stumbling block and may be cast aside by those who harbor knowledge of a greater truth.
Ok, now things are getting interesting. @Boinked, WTH is a Pastafarian? I thought it was Rastafarian.

Believing in the flying spaghetti monster

A made up religion (just like all the others)


The Pastafarian conception of heaven includes a beer volcano and a stripper (or sometimes hookers) factory.The Pastafarian Hell is similar, except that the beer is stale and the strippers have STD's