Savvy off-road sold? (the unofficial Savvy customer support and Savvy rant thread)

Like a lot of people, I’m annoyed when I can’t buy things right when I want them. (It’s been a problem since I was eight.) And I’ve had my own frustration with Savvy for sure. But you have to feel for the small businesses that are having trouble getting their products made.

Imagine your small business runs on something made by someone else—a part that it just isn’t practical for you to make yourself—and your supplier keeps promising the part but hasn’t delivered, or has delivered intermittently. A lot of this custom metal can’t just be made by anyone, and the setup costs (money, and also time) are incredibly high.

So you don’t take orders for products you’re not sure you can ship. (I.e, you don’t ask customers for loans.)
And then customers (who should probably know better) complain to high heaven.

Failing to include parts, including the wrong parts, failing to include instructions when promised—to me those seem like reasonable complaints. But not selling parts that you don’t have, and are having difficulty getting? That seems beyond reproach to me.

If there is demand and money to be made someone would jump on it I am sure. If I felt there was a return on investment, I may even be that person.
Like a lot of people, I’m annoyed when I can’t buy things right when I want them. (It’s been a problem since I was eight.) And I’ve had my own frustration with Savvy for sure. But you have to feel for the small businesses that are having trouble getting their products made.

Imagine your small business runs on something made by someone else—a part that it just isn’t practical for you to make yourself—and your supplier keeps promising the part but hasn’t delivered, or has delivered intermittently. A lot of this custom metal can’t just be made by anyone, and the setup costs (money, and also time) are incredibly high.

So you don’t take orders for products you’re not sure you can ship. (I.e, you don’t ask customers for loans.)
And then customers (who should probably know better) complain to high heaven.

What gets people pissed is the lack of accurate communication.

A simple note (as long as it's backed up with genuine intent) would go a long way:
"The vendor(s) for one or more parts included in this product have not been able to supply those parts and cannot provide a reliable estimate of when it will be available again. Manufacturing considerations make it unfeasible to find an alternate supplier. We believe in our product and intend to continue selling it so we are keeping it on the website, but it will not be available for sale until we have the materials in hand to fulfill orders. Thanks for your patience."
At this point I know who I'll forward any future decal shipments to. I am absolutely done with the bullshit like directly above. I tried to do a good thing and only got fucked with for my efforts except for those I sent decals to who appreciated what I did. :mad:

I genuinely think people are just having fun giving you a little bit of a hard time, Jerry. I can't believe any reasonable person would really complain about waiting a couple of days for something they'll be getting for free, and that until 2 weeks ago had little hope of ever getting to begin with. And we know everyone here is perfectly reasonable. ;)
I genuinely think people are just having fun giving you a little bit of a hard time, Jerry. I can't believe any reasonable person would really complain about waiting a couple of days for something they'll be getting for free, and that until 2 weeks ago had little hope of ever getting to begin with. And we know everyone here is perfectly reasonable. ;)
A little is fine and is good-naturedly taken and expected. Just one member in particular pushed too hard and too regularly. I'm done with his constant bullshit that escalated recently, luckily there's a Ban feature here so I'm done with him in more ways than one. I look forward to forwarding the next box of decals to him. And maybe my PTSD is just kicking in but a little bit of a hard time can sometimes go too far when it's done too many times.

Agreeing to do this was helpful to the people I sent them to, and I actually enjoyed doing it as simply wanting to be helpful, but so far as I am concerned now all the good feelings and thanks I received from those I sent them to were massively overpowered by the clusterfuck one or two turned it into. It left a permanent very bad taste in my mount. I honestly don't understand how someone can purposely choose to be such a complete asshole and continue trying to push buttons. Fortunately I'll never see such posts again.
For anyone who feels the need to bitch about my not being willing to run out to buy more stamps locally when my recent USPS order was too slow to arrive feel 100% free to take over. In fact I actually did that once for 11 of the envelopes during that wait for the USPS stamps but I didn't know there was a required shipping speed for subsequent requests so I decided to just wait for the shipment to finally arrive.

I will forward any future decals I receive to you if you feel you can do the job any better. I've had quite enough surprising complaints about my not having enough stamps on hand to ship them out the same day I received requests for them. I was MORE than happy to do this and actually enjoyed helping out but with the recent bitching about my speed of getting more stamps (I wiped out my stamp supply) so I could get them mailed. I'm nearly about to say fuck it.


If that is directed towards me .. please send me your address and I am happy to send you stamps. I thought it was a good thing that you got some unearthed decals that you could send to people in this holiday season to make them happy.

For the record .. I was simply responding to you sharing the news that stamps took a long time arrive. You get groceries don't you? No need to do anything extra, just get them from Publix if there is ever a need. I lived FL for seven years and I did that many, many times since it was far easier than ordering online or going to the super slow post office. I was trying to help you and of course, you take it the wrong way, despite me pointing out it's easy to misinterpret tone over text.

Seriously :)
If there is demand and money to be made someone would jump on it I am sure. If I felt there was a return on investment, I may even be that person.

I hope so. The thing about getting into the TJ business (as opposed to the JL business) is that demand will only go down, for sure. The world probably loses TJs every day. Supplying parts for a specific 20-25 year old vehicle isn’t a growth market.

I’m looking for rockers. I’ve seen a ton of posts about great rockers, only to look for them and see that they’re no longer made. That won’t change.
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I almost wonder if I shouldn't be requesting a Savvy decal for my toolbox in case I ever get a front bumper.....
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I can't believe any reasonable person would really complain about waiting a couple of days for something they'll be getting for free, and that until 2 weeks ago had little hope of ever getting to begin with.

That is what I find hilarious. How easy it is for something so simple (and free) to upset someone so much.

Its my sticker, and I want it now! (to the tune of JG Wentworth)
That is what I find hilarious. How easy it is for something so simple (and free) to upset someone so much.

Its my sticker, and I want it now! (to the tune of JG Wentworth)
No one who messaged me for decals ever complained or became upset. They were all appreciative and said thanks, several times in a few instances.

The only ones who bitched about what I was doing and how I was doing it were those who never asked me for decals. They're the only ones who bitched when I reported a delay in receiving stamps from the USPS and one or two even had the balls to say I should have gone to the store to buy more stamps since the USPS was late in delivering those I had already paid for.

Funny how the ones who asked for decals were appreciative and never bitched. Only those who didn't want decals bitched and told me to go to the store to buy stamps. FUBAR to say the least.
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I have just one large 10" Savvy decal left, it is all black. When it's gone that's it, let me know.

I‘m probably late to the party but as I bought lot of my Savvy bits 2nd hand thanks to WTJF would appreciate a sticker. I’m in no rush whatsoeve. Happy to mail you the stamps to use to mail me sticker. I even will try to be quicker than USPS 😄

Above is all in jest except my desire for gluey bit of advertising
I‘m probably late to the party but as I bought lot of my Savvy bits 2nd hand thanks to WTJF would appreciate a sticker. I’m in no rush whatsoeve. Happy to mail you the stamps to use to mail me sticker. I even will try to be quicker than USPS 😄

Above is all in jest except my desire for gluey bit of advertising
Send me a message with your shipping name and address, you are getting the very last decal I have.
That's gonna be a fun one for them. They didn't know what material I used for the pulley, the machinist that did the side plates died, the machinist that does the axles doesn't really like to do them, the anodizer is on the other side of the country, and I no longer assist with logistics, design, or expediting.

Not saying they won't be able to get it done but now they actually have to do it rather than say "I need snatch blocks" and they magically appear.

Not the information I wanted to hear. Sounds like I might need to go a different route for the time being.