Piss & Moan Table

At the same time, if there's 3 (or more) lanes and you come up behind someone in the middle lane who is passing vehicles in the slow lane, change lanes to the left and pass him!

Hells yes. And I will never get upset, ride their ass, or flash my lights at somebody in the passing lane as long as they are passing, no matter how slowly. If there is another lane to the left, move into it and pass.

People also have this subconscious thing about not being passed. I see it multiple times every day. They will cruise in the passing lane refusing to budge, then when you are finally forced to pass them on the right, they speed up (all the while avoiding eye contact) until they get next to the person that will end up blocking you in your lane, then they slow down again.
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Hells yes. And I will never get upset, ride their ass, or flash my lights at somebody in the passing lane as long as they are passing, no matter how slowly. If there is another lane to the left, move into it and pass.

People also have this subconscious thing about not being passed. I see it multiple times every day. They will cruise in the passing lane refusing to budge, then when you are finally forced to pass them on the right, they speed up (all the while avoiding eye contact) until they get next to the person that will end up blocking you in your lane, then they slow down again.

Or if I'm passing someone, get around them, see the next car ahead. After watching it for a few seconds, figure its going fast enough so drop in behind it. THEN it slows down...
Two people cruising at the same speed side by side in both the left and right lane is another one that I just start screaming at

Had to deal with that tonite coming home from dance class. The guy in the slow lane was doing his thing - not his fault. The guy in the fast lane was obviously on a PHOOOOOONNE - weaving around, getting almost far enough ahead for me to drop into the slow lane and get rid of him - but then he'd drop back to even with, or a bit behind the guy in the slow lane. FINALLY got rid of the asshole and and never saw his 10 under ass again.
Hells yes. And I will never get upset, ride their ass, or flash my lights at somebody in the passing lane as long as they are passing, no matter how slowly. If there is another lane to the left, move into it and pass.

People also have this subconscious thing about not being passed. I see it multiple times every day. They will cruise in the passing lane refusing to budge, then when you are finally forced to pass them on the right, they speed up (all the while avoiding eye contact) until they get next to the person that will end up blocking you in your lane, then they slow down again.

I concur. We have a minivan we bought for road trips about 10 years ago. I always set my cruise at 5 mph over on long stretches of highway. It amazes me how many people will see a minivan pass them, then seem to almost panic and speed up to repass, only to slow down once the get a few hundred yards ahead of me until I catch them again. My speed never varies.
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Hells yes. And I will never get upset, ride their ass, or flash my lights at somebody in the passing lane as long as they are passing, no matter how slowly. If there is another lane to the left, move into it and pass.

People also have this subconscious thing about not being passed. I see it multiple times every day. They will cruise in the passing lane refusing to budge, then when you are finally forced to pass them on the right, they speed up (all the while avoiding eye contact) until they get next to the person that will end up blocking you in your lane, then they slow down again.

It's gotten so bad I probably pass on the right more than I do the left.

If there's 3 lanes and i come up on someone in the middle lane and there's no one in the right lane for them to pass, I can pass them on the left or the right, I'll choose the right just to make a statement.

Something I've noticed on road trips is that several states limit tractor trailers to the right lane and things flow so much better there. I wish OK and CO would do that.
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It's gotten so bad I probably pass on the right more than I do the left.

If there's 3 lanes and i come up on someone in the middle lane and there's no one in the right lane for them to pass, I can pass them on the left or the right, I'll choose the right just to make a statement.

Something I've noticed on road trips is that several states limit tractor trailers to the right lane and things flow so much better there. I wish OK and CO would do that.

I'd bet on my typical route to work the number of people in the left lane vs right is 5:1. Especially on on ramps.

I've seen signs throughout parts of CO (but don't know if it's a law) that if slower traffic has 5 cars behind them, they're supposed to pull over and let them pass.
But what pisses me of are the @Zorba folks talking on their phooooone speeding up slowing down and just inconsistent speeds.
That does - of course - go without saying. PIck a speed, ANY speed, and DRIVE it. You pass me, I'll pass you, whatever, I don't care. That nonsense doesn't necessarily even require a PHOOOOOONNE - but certainly adds to it. Weaving about in the lane, going 15 under, etc, etc. Horn gets a lot of use with PHOOOOOONNE twats. I think that's what was going on last nite, but I had to cool it as I always do when I have a firearm in the car. Had another apparent phone twat going 10 under on the 2 lane double striped near my home.

Have I mentioned recently how much I fucking HATE smartphones and EVERYTHING to do with them? Worst Goddamned thing ever invented.
I'd bet on my typical route to work the number of people in the left lane vs right is 5:1. Especially on on ramps.

I've seen signs throughout parts of CO (but don't know if it's a law) that if slower traffic has 5 cars behind them, they're supposed to pull over and let them pass.

I can't speak for CO, but on highways (typically 2 lane) in Idaho where you see those type of signs, it is a tickable offense for vehicles going slower than the speed limit, if they don't pull over in the designated pull outs... and of course there happens to be a cop there to see them impeding traffic.

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I can't speak for CO, but on highways (typically 2 lane) in Idaho where you see those type of signs, it is tickable offense for vehicles going slower than the speed limit, if they don't pull over in the designated pull outs... and of course there happens to be a cop there to see then impeding traffic.


Agreed - and I always use turnouts as necessary when pulling a trailer for that reason. EXCEPT: If I'm on a road that is as straight as an arrow for miles and there's very little opposing traffic, good visibility, blah, blah; I won't pull over - they can pass me. If they don't have the competence to pass (Americans don't like passing on 2 lane roads I've found), they can stay back there and be pissed. Not my problem - either learn how to drive it or park it.
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I can't speak for CO, but on highways (typically 2 lane) in Idaho where you see those type of signs, it is tickable offense for vehicles going slower than the speed limit, if they don't pull over in the designated pull outs... and of course there happens to be a cop there to see then impeding traffic.


Same here
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Horrible poison ivy after working in the yard last weekend. Lived in the house / worked on this yard for 10yrs and never had an issue before.

Coming up on 2 weeks and I’m still itching. Can’t use the super strong steroid cream past Friday because I run the risk of skin atrophy (don’t google it) so they upped my steroid pills again for another week + a 2 week taper.

Doc thinks since I used to get is so much as a kid / young adult running summer camps, instead of building up a resistance my body has gone the other way and it’s hyper sensitive.
That sucks. Are you somewhat close to the ocean? Salt water soaks are good for it. Just don’t get sunburned on that raw skin!

Edit: hang on I just saw you said steroid cream … get the pills man! That’s the good stuff!
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That sucks. Are you somewhat close to the ocean? Salt water soaks are good for it. Just don’t get sunburned on that raw skin!

Edit: hang on I just saw you said steroid cream … get the pills man! That’s the good stuff!

I’m so F’d. we spent a week at the ocean…. I’m on the steroid cream, been on the pills for almost 2 weeks and they upped my dose.