body lift

  1. jeffreyned

    Any steering changes needed with body lift?

    Just a quick question- If I install a 2" body lift, would this require a change in steering components? I ask because I'd like to put bigger tires on my '99 TJ. I've thought about trying JK wheels and tires. Nothing extreme. I'm not planning to do much, if any, wheeling. I might do some off road...
  2. DaveC

    Arizona 1" Daystar Body Lift

    1" Daystar body lift. Was on the TJ for 2.5 years and total of 12,000 miles. No damage, includes all parts. $145 shipped in the lower 48.
  3. R

    How high is this body lift? Does it have any impact on replacement Shocks?

    Hi. I'm assuming this is a Body Lift. Can anyone tell me what measurement to take that will tell me how much lift? I want to replace the shocks. Does the body lift impact what shocks I need? Thank you.
  4. R3ID05TJ

    SOLD M.O.R.E. 1" Body Lift for Jeep Wrangler TJ (1997-06) / LJ (2004-06)

    1" Body Lift for Jeep Wrangler TJ (1997-06) / LJ (2004-06) SKU: BLTJ97 $150 Purchased brand new in May and never installed.
  5. BeatArmy18

    Wanting new suspension on top of 2.5 inch body lift

    Hello all, Have a ‘97 TJ, 135k miles that’s been in the family since new. Older brother put a 2.5” body lift on it in the early 2000’s. Now it’s mine, and I want to put new suspension, coils and shocks. What’s my best move here? Would like a Fox, Metalcloak- type kit. If I do a 2.5” suspension...
  6. Bigmak2118

    Body lift bolt appears to big for hole

    Hi everyone, My body lift and stock mounts were wore out so I grabbed a 1" Daystar BL to replace both. So my issue TJ was missing the grill BL mount when I bought it, rookie mistake but I love her and glad I saved her. Sorry tangent, I was putting the front mount from the Daystar kit on...
  7. S

    Transfer case linkage adjustment after 1.25” body lift (automatic)

    Found adjustment bolt, loosened and slid all the way out but grinding when going from 4H to 4L. What am I doing wrong? Instructions say to be in 4L when doing the adjustment. Doesn’t seem like I can slide it out any farther. Photo posted. The clean metal part is where it was.
  8. S

    Fan removal after body lift

    Rough Country body lift is having me remove fan, power steering reservoir, and fan shroud. I can’t get the four bolts off to remove the fan. Any advice? Fan does appear to be touching the bottom so believe an adjustment is necessary. Also, should I be removing the bolts closer to the front...
  9. S

    Transfer Case Shifter Bracket and Body Lift

    Noob here. Doing a body lift on 2006 Jeep Wrangler X (automatic) and instructions say if I have a transfer case drop kit, I have to install a transfer case shifter bracket. How do I know if I have this? Vehicle is stock as of right now. Thanks.
  10. MountaineerTom

    SOLD JKS 1.25" Body Lift

    Got it 2 years ago with a kit from DPG Offroad but never got around to using it.
  11. DaveC

    SOLD JKS 1.25" Body Lift

    New in box; never installed.
  12. Ayogeeoh

    Down size body lift or add coil spacers?

    Hello all! Looking for some advice. I just bought my 04’ TJ and it came with a 3” body lift on it. It wasn’t too big of a deal until I wanted to remove the nerf bars. They look to be set between a one inch body lift and a two inch body lift piece. Or they just cut a three inch piece and...
  13. burdetter16

    Advice on removing a body lift

    Hey everyone! I got my TJ over the summer. It is super clean, zero rust anywhere, and I got it for a good price. The only thing I don't like about it is the 3"-4" body lift that came on it but I heard that it isn't too hard to remove so I figured I could just remove it myself. I am not an...
  14. RangerRick

    SOLD 1997 TJ Wrangler tub & frame with V8 engine in SoCal ($200 this weekend)

    This weekend 4/25 & 4/26 ONLY: The tub and frame with the V8 Magnum engine mounted in the frame for $200. I am moving this weekend and if I have to take it I will part it out even farther. The frame, tub & 1" Daystar body lift mounts all for $200 come get it with the AA motor mounts installed...
  15. c_bronson

    1 Body Lift on 99 TJ

    I've been searching around and reading on the different forums for what else has to be done with a 1" body lift. However, I seem to be coming across a lot of "it's possible" that you'll need to do this but not always. My question is, for a 1999 Jeep TJ 5 Speed 4.0, what is everyone's suggestion...
  16. TreverStevens

    What is the overall purpose of a body lift?

    So I'm considering throwing on a body lift while I'm doing all this other work on my TJ. What is the overall purpose of a body lift? Just a little more clearance for tires mostly? I already have a 4" lift, but wanting to do a "shallower" belly skid eventually. Since I'm already tinkering with...
  17. Creakydoor

    Do I need to install the rear bump stop extenders with OME 2" lift?

    I’ve been preparing to start installing my OME 2” lift kit (OMETJHKS) and was reading through the installation instructions and it talked about installing rear bump stop extenders (which are included in the kit. However, I am also installing a Savvy 1.25” body lift. I thought I remember reading...
  18. M

    1.25” body lift issue

    I have a 2006 Rubicon TJ. I just ordered the DPG ultimate TJ lift. 2.25 OME suspension and a 1.25 JKS body lift. I don't have the time to do the installation myself so I've contacted a few places about installing all components. I've talked to four different places and every single place said...
  19. Mike_H

    Has anyone taken all the body mount bolts out at once to install a body lift?

    I'm installing a JKS 1.25" body lift on my Rubicon, along with my lift. Since my Rubi is a salty Girl, I broke all four rear shock mount bolts, and a couple of the body mount bolt snapped. Reading through my body lift instructions, they say to install one side at a time, so that the body...
  20. JP13

    3" lift under $1,000?

    Any recommendations for a 3" suspension lift under $1,000? My LJ suspension is stock. I'll also add 33" tires & 1" body lift.