safety glasses are your friend ! trust me i know, chips fly and drill bits shatter. it's painful as hell if you have to go get a chip removed from your eye ! you'd swear to god their removing your eyeball and cleaning it, and dont think it will just come out on it's own ! a co worker of mine thought he'd gotten one out, 2 days later went to the nurse at work and the chip was still in there and started corroding and scratching his cornea, they told him he was lucky because it almost cost him his eye ! ya'll please wear them, i know they can be a pain in the ass, but in the blink of a eye you can lose it. I wont go on but I've had many times I would of lost mine if not for wearing them ! PLEASE BUY YOU A CHEAP PAIR AND USE THEM ATLEAST WHEN DRILLING OVERHEAD AND CUTTING METAL AND WOOD, PLEASE,PLEASE ! but hey if you dont want to wear them atleast if you lose one you still have another one !