What did you do to your TJ today?

Not necessarily if he drove into the trailer and the truck was pulling reasonable speeds even going into the oncoming lane. It's impossible for that truck and trailer not to end up in the oncoming lane.

But yeah, more than likely the truck wasn't watching his mirrors.
Still the trucks fault, no matter what. It is his responsibility to know where his truck is and to keep it out of traffic. You cross the center line and hit someone, it is your fault. And more than likely he missed the "No Trucks" sign at the beginning of the highway.
Still the trucks fault, no matter what. It is his responsibility to know where his truck is and to keep it out of traffic. You cross the center line and hit someone, it is your fault.

I never said the truck driver may have cross the center line and hit someone, what I did say is that the truck driver may have crossed the center line and someone hit him.

Using an intersection as an example here, CDL training tells drivers how to go into the oncoming lane if needed. It goes on to state that you can only do this when the lane is clear before entering — if somebody comes barreling in and hits you while doing this turn it's that vehicles fault.


Edit: On the left is called a button hook, on the right is called a jug hook. A jug hook like that can still be done when entering a driveway where there isn't the space available for a button hook.

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I have no rust, but those spun on mine too. I replaced my flares about 18 months ago. Luckily, I had some really long needle nose pliers to hold the nutserts while I removed those bolts on each side.

Tried that. Couldn’t get good purchase. Ground the bolt head, bolt and the flange on the nutsert and popped it through with a punch.

WTH was he doing that far into your lane?

^^^^ This ?
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You're lucky it wasn't much worse. WTH was he doing that far into your lane?

Believe me, I know. My one year old was in the back seat
You're lucky it wasn't much worse. WTH was he doing that far into your lane?

believe me man, I know. My little girl was I. The seat behind me. That trucker came real close to losing his life.
Guess nobody told him you have to swing wide when making turns. What’s bad is I stopped then threw it in reverse but ran out of time before he hit me. Hit me with his jack stand and didn’t stop until his rear tires were right in front of me.
TBF that is how I look in every one of the pictures my wife takes when we are out and about.

She honestly does enjoy it... Long rides just really wear her out. At the time of that pic we had been in the Jeep probably 7 hours total. We took the scenic route, which ended up being longer than we had anticipated.
It goes on to state that you can only do this when the lane is clear before entering — if somebody comes barreling in and hits you while doing this turn it's that vehicles fault.
That's splitting hairs! AS a current CDL holder I can pretty much guarantee you that If I were navigatng a right turn and performed a "J" hook (different parts of the country call things differently I guess) and was involved with a head on, "I" as the professional driver would incur 90% of the fault of the accident. The ONLY possible scenario where the truck driver does NOT incur any of the blame is if he is at a dead stop and the other vehicle hits him. And to prove that the driver WILL need witnesses and or dash cam or it's their word against his and he will lose.
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Another stop at the gas station, another moment of being shocked at getting 11mpg.

I sprayed all the fender flare bolts with Kroil in prep for the fender flare replacement tomorrow. I also started replacing the front brakes on the Subaru and one of the bolts for the rotor bracket is stucking fuck.

Oh, I did finish the PVC door holder thing today. I'm about a week away from taking the doors and top off. I'll post pics once that's done.
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Almost forgot... Got my GMRS license and GMRS radio this week too. Had it scanning channels on the way to Gburg, just listening to see what sort of radio traffic there was. Just bought a cheap handheld for now... Honestly I use my cb more than anything on rides, but wanted to get a GMRS for those rides that require it. I may pony up for a better mobile unit later, but this should do for now. It clips nicely to the spider shade strap on the rollbar over the driver's side door.
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