Question? Doesn’t, a larger dimeter rope hold the same amount of kinetic energy as a smaller rope when the same input pull is placed on them? I would imagine that the larger diameter will overall store more energy at their limit..
I went with a Freedom Rope 1”x30’ rope. The kit came with the rope, 2 soft shackles and a heavy duty bag with velcro closure. I went 1” because I have to pull out stuck off-road forklifts and trucks from pickups to semis. I bought mine at the local off-road expo and was able to compare several brands of ropes. Looking at so many ropes at one time it appears that many used the same base ropes. The main difference between them was how the eyes were constructed, what type of abrasion protection they used and if they had a reflective element added. I went with the slip cover vs the dipped abrasion protection. All claimed to have UV protection. When questioned directly all the venders admitted the base rope was Chinese and they were Assembled in the USA. Yankum the other high end ropes were not in display at the show and I’ve not physically seen one. I can’t remember what I paid for the kit but it was $150 or less with the show discount.
From my experience a longer rope will allow the pulling vehicle to be on a more solid footing and be able to get a better run up. I’ve had to use up to 80’ of strap to get the pulling vehicle on solid ground. 80% of my recoveries have been at night usually 3am and because the operator failed to walk the area to determine ground conditions properly.
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