dude I just shot coffee out of my nose. By my math another $1,030 should eliminate those last 8 inches, together with what you already spent plus the 4k in dirt you need you've sailed over 5k for a slightly cleaner driveway and, dirt
Sorry to laugh so much at your pain but we've all been there, and will be again
Same thing is going on here. I've never seen so many people outside just wandering around, kids in tow... I've lived in this hood for over 20 years & I've seen people walking down the street I have literally never seen before, maybe this is the zombie apocalypse
is it state run in NY like PA?
We have the PLCB (Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board) that is the only entity that's authorized to sell spirits by the bottle. Beer and wine are privatized & sold in beer stores & grocery stores so we can still get all that. Oddly enough beer outlets did make the list of 'life sustaining stores' because they also sell other stuff like chips, soda, water, slim jims
... so it's "kind of" a food store too hahaha