You might be a mall crawler if...

Guys this is supposed to be in the vein of Jeff Foxworthy, you know the COMIC!?! So these should be phrased like his redneck jokes. Case in point modoc should've said:

If you bought some jeep parts and your grill is angry but your wife is not, then you might be a mall crawler.
I bow to your comic style sir!
I wheel all over Colorado, Utah and never pay for offroad parks. In fact I can only think of one in offroad park in Colorado. So I guess I’ve payed more in tire shine.
I used tire shine once when I was dumb and 16 and bought my first Jeep (an XJ). That shit went everywhere, all over the side, the flares, etc, and I didn't even use that much. Never again will I use that stuff.
If someone says air down and you put onna mask...