LJ front frame repair suggestions

add back a TJ front section correctly and do some tolerable splices on the inner face of the frame
Would you put the extra little brace from the Unlimited on the drivers side rail? My guess is you wouldn't but it would be fun to hear either way, and ya it probably doesn't really matter.
You need to run this by a competent body shop that does frame straightening and let them measure it and evaluate a safe way to fix this. I wouldn't just start hacking and welding without fully knowing what you are doing.
You need to run this by a competent body shop that does frame straightening and let them measure it and evaluate a safe way to fix this. I wouldn't just start hacking and welding without fully knowing what you are doing.
"start hacking and welding without fully knowing what you are doing" is the motto of life for half of us on this forum. Are we really going to start getting all JK about stuff now?
You need to run this by a competent body shop that does frame straightening and let them measure it and evaluate a safe way to fix this. I wouldn't just start hacking and welding without fully knowing what you are doing.
No body shop with any integrity is going to touch it..if they do touch it they won't have the equipment to "fix it"
How does one determine its strength? What if it was heated?
not thinned, not rotted, not weakened more than the metals already been stressed. i wouldn't put $ against the bet of heat being applied.

looks like stock CA's so they can't be far off. if the axle castor can be held. if the springs and shocks are in the right location. if you have return to center and can let go the wheel and it drives true. does anything need done?

now if the OP wants to tear it down and do it i'm down to watch....but does the OP "have to"?

but i'm interested to hear more than your professional opinion of your F'd you got screwed.
not thinned, not rotted, not weakened more than the metals already been stressed. i wouldn't put $ against the bet of heat being applied.

looks like stock CA's so they can't be far off. if the axle castor can be held. if the springs and shocks are in the right location. if you have return to center and can let go the wheel and it drives true. does anything need done?

now if the OP wants to tear it down and do it i'm down to watch....but does the OP "have to"?

but i'm interested to hear more than your professional opinion of your F'd you got screwed.
The dealer told him the jeep had never been in an accident and he didn't know enough to check so shame on both of them. I don't know how much more of my professional opinion you need...the frame is fucked from a professional stand point..if it came into my body shop on an insurance claim it would moat likely be a total (if it's an Oregon car it would be a total since oregon won't replace frames)...most of you guys think im crazy and I'm good with that but would you put your family in a vehicle with frame issues?
The dealer told him the jeep had never been in an accident and he didn't know enough to check so shame on both of them. I don't know how much more of my professional opinion you need...the frame is fucked from a professional stand point..if it came into my body shop on an insurance claim it would moat likely be a total (if it's an Oregon car it would be a total since oregon won't replace frames)...most of you guys think im crazy and I'm good with that but would you put your family in a vehicle with frame issues?
and what is the potential risk here? gonna bend like a coat hanger and just snap? or the next hit and it's gonna be wasted no doubt?
and what is the potential risk here? gonna bend like a coat hanger and just snap? or the next hit and it's gonna be wasted no doubt?
On second thought "just send it bro"...never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a forum that argues for 10 pages about long arms but sees no issues with a buckled frame..you do you but keep any vehicle with a frame like that as far away from my family as possible.

Will it snap like a twig going down the road? Most likely not but that's not what I said or even implied was it?

It's called forward thinking and what could or will happen when another collision happens.
Anything less than a frame swap is hack and a waste of time
Not if I did it.

On second thought "just send it bro"...never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a forum that argues for 10 pages about long arms but sees no issues with a buckled frame..you do you but keep any vehicle with a frame like that as far away from my family as possible.

Will it snap like a twig going down the road? Most likely not but that's not what I said or even implied was it?

It's called forward thinking and what could or will happen when another collision happens.
Not saying it's "no issue," but doesn't seem like through it in the garbage issue either. Have you seen how much frame is left after out-boarding, given thats only the rear bumper after it but we simple TJ folk are typically not afraid of frame welding. In fact, cutting your frame in half and splicing is so easy even a @Wildman could do it.
there ya go, post 31 is why you don't let a body shop do a frame repair they would have scrapped your jeep, cause they didn't have 5 tools, common sense and thicker materials.

frame issues ha.........look at some of these rust threads and it'll scare the F out of you cause they take it to work everyday.
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Not saying it's "no issue," but doesn't seem like through it in the garbage issue either. Have you seen how much frame is left after out-boarding, given thats only the rear bumper after it but we simple TJ folk are typically not afraid of frame welding. In fact, cutting your frame in half and splicing is so easy even a @Wildman could do it.
You do you bro
there ya go, post 31 is why you don't let a body shop do a frame repair they would have scrapped your jeep, cause they didn't have 5 tools, common sense and thicker materials.

frame issues ha.........look at some of these rust threads and it'll scare the F out of you cause they take it to work everyday.
You do you bro im not here to have people agree with me...im the voice of reason...at the end of the day if hacked junk is suitable for you then more power...some people are happy living in a moldy 1970 single wide trailer but not me
I was going to scrap this tj frame but you guys have changed my mind. Ill move it to the classifieds but wanted to hit my target audience

I've also got this yj frame it's bent to shit but some fish plating and it will be fine
